(3) Finding Out About the Pink Hair

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I know the previous imagine already mentioned the Pink Hair, but I wasn't anticipating to write one like that, so just go with it I guess XD


"Ack! God!" You put your hands up as a feeble attempt to shield your eyes. When Mark had opened his front door, you were stunned by the vibrant pink on top of his head. It appeared to be radiating so brightly, you were sure the satellites could see it. You could only imagine the reaction to the Easter egg on Google Earth. Once your sarcasm flooded through your brain, you realized something. "You dyed your hair without telling me?"

"I thought you were watching the stream?" He asked. His face started to fall. "Do you not like it?"

"Mark, of course I was watching. I just....I must've zoned out or something." You stepped inside and shut his door behind, smiling in an attempt to boost his spirits.

"But do you like it?" He pushed, a quick flash of worry glistening over his eyes. You gave the hair another look.

"Of course I do. It's...well, it's certainly very pink..." You muttered. "But it's also very...You." Tapping his nose gently on the last word, you reached up and ran your fingers through the pink floof. "And it still has it's fluff."

"So you're okay with this?" He asked hopefully, finally starting to smile.

"Of course, you goof. Pinkiplier is a very flattering look."

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