Chapter 13 Heartbreak

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The next morning I wasn't completely aware of what happened last night. I thought it was all just a dream, until I reached over and Riker wasn't there. I sighed, realizing what I thought was a dream was real. A few tears slipped, and my eyes were burning.

I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. My eyes were red and puffy. My heart ached when I saw my reflection, crying more. I walked out, not wanting to see my reflection anymore. Walking to the kitchen, I saw what broke last night. The picture of my mother, and the picture of mine and Riker's sight seeing my third day here. I slowly touched both pictures, and I stared and the one of me and Riker.

My words from last night rang in my head. I can't believe I said that to Riker, all because of Rocky. Minutes before Rocky arrived, me and Riker were so happy. I can't believe I blew up on Riker over Rocky barging in, following me here just to see where I lived. I wasn't aware he felt so strong about Riker moving in with me.

Than I looked at the picture of my mom. She put the thought in my head, that I so cruelly verbalized last night. How could she feel that way, and why would I say that to Riker when I didn't even agree with it? She made me worry about my relationship with him, so I will blame her. I picked up the picture and walked to the door, throwing it into the yard,not wanting to look at it.

Than I went into my bedroom, that just yesterday was also Riker's, and picked up a picture of my and a friend back home. I opened the back, removing the glass. I needed to fix the picture of me and Riker, even if he never forgave me again. After dumping the broken glass into the trash bin, I put the replacement glass into the frame. I stared at the picture for a long time before forcing myself to put it down.

Not wanting to take on the day, I climbed back into bed. Today would be hard, tomorrow harder, but eventually it would get easier again. I wanted to see someone, but who? I didn't know anybody but Riker and his family. I was lost.

By now, his whole family knew what I said to him after Rocky left. He surely said something. They would all be mad at me. I regretted it immediately, but I really regretted it this morning. I laid in bed for a long time, before I remembered I had to go to the studio this morning. I jumped up, getting myself ready. The thought of calling saying I was not up to it crossed my mind, but it was my first day at the studio, and I didn't want to make a bad impression.

After getting ready, I walked out into the living room. It was just too quiet. Riker was going to come with me today, being my first day at the studio working, but given what happened last night, I wasn't even going to ask if he still wanted to. After a few minutes of pouting, I walked out the front door, making sure to stomp on moms picture on the way to the car.

When I pulled into the studio, I rolled into the parking lot with tear stained cheeks. Parking my car, I glanced over, seeing a car I was hoping wouldn't be here, but also praying it would. Next to it, I was Rocky and Ross' cars as well. I guess that means he wasn't planning on keeping his promise to me, he was here working. I sighed and got out, wiping away the few tears that traveled down my cheek.

"Hello, may I help you?" a beautiful woman asked from behind the front desk.

"Yes..." wow, my voice sounded awful. I cleared my throat before finishing. "I'm Amy Taylor. I'm here to meet Sam Chase."

"Oh yes, Ms. Taylor, please follow me." She got up, walking toward the long hallway. I followed her, secretly hoping to run into Riker. A few doors up, I heard a creak, and a blonde walked out. I knew right away it wasn't Riker, but it was...Ross?

He started walking toward me, glancing at me every few seconds. My shoulders slumped when he got next to me, and only nodded his head at me. A tear slid down my cheek as he was past me. I turned around, and regretted it. He was staring at me, his eyes full of pain, than he pulled out his phone. I turned back around, continuing to follow the woman who didn't even tell me her name.

When we walked past the room Ross had walked out of, I took a glance, and Riker was looking right out the window. He frowned when he saw me, and Rocky saw me, and looked down immediately. Riker kept looking at me, and I gave him a faint smile. "Are you coming Ms. Taylor." She walked back to me. "Please don't bother the other writers." I nodded, took one last glance at Riker, and I swear I saw a tear roll down his cheek.

She led me into a room similar to what Riker was in, just brown instead of black. "Sam will be right with you in just a few minutes. He is finishing up with someone else." I nodded and she left. Just than my phone vibrated. I pulled it out and it was a text from Ross. 'Hey sis, good luck today. We are all proud of you.'

I shook my head, but still replied to him. 'Thanks Ross, I am going to try. Its just weird, Riker promised he would be here today. He is, I just thought that it would be different.' After sending the message, I cant believe I just said that to Ross.

A few seconds later, my phone vibrated. 'Do you want me to send him your way? Or I could come be your support?'

I know, he has a sweet heart. Second to Rydel, he was my favorite of the siblings. I guess that makes him my favorite brother. I looked back at the text message after my thought train. 'He wont anyway, do you know what happened last night?'

Just as I sent the message, a tall man around my age walked in. He had black slightly curly hair, very short. "You must me Amy Taylor. I'm Sam, its a pleasure to meet a friend of Riker." I smiled, although I was torn by the same of his name inside. "So, I am going to go get a few things, here are some papers to read." I took the papers he extended in my direction, and he walked back out of the room.

I looked up a few seconds after he left, and I saw someone that moved as I looked up. It almost looked like...


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