Chapter 7 All Nighter

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  So our date didn't happen, we ended up hanging out with his family all day. They were sweet and all, but I was really looking forward to being alone with Riker. We were all watching a movie, but everyone kept making quick glances at me. Although my back was turned, I still felt their eyes on me. I was beginning to feel uncomfortable.

I just sat next to Riker on the floor on our makeshift couch with a blanket on the floor folded many times, and a very large pillow up against the chest coffee table. Our hands were laced together, which helped some, but not enough. I snuggled my face into his chest and started to do what always made me feel better. I couldn't exactly sing it, not in front of them, or even Riker, so I started humming 'Smile.'

Riker heard me, and I was hoping he would save me from the feeling that turned to guilt the second he got up, still holding my hand, and walking away. All of a sudden I felt all eyes on me at one time, though nobody spoke. Riker still had my hand, leading me into the kitchen. He stopped, spun and released my hand, putting his hands on my waist pulling me to him. "Everything okay?"

I debated in my head to tell him what was really wrong. "Just feeling a little sick, that's all." He looked at me, not believing a word I just said. He gave me a 'yeah right' expression. "Really, that's it."

"Okay than, why were you humming 'Smile'?" Yup, he got me there. "I know you only hum or sing that song when your in need of a smile." I turned from his face, regretting it immediately. I had forgotten to mention he was shirtless. I was speechless staring at his abs. "What's wrong Amy?"

Without turning from his stomach, the answer blurted out. "It's just that I keep feeling glares on me. I know it's pathetic, but I keep feeling like everyone is just staring at me." I realized what I did, but he didn't say anything. He lifted my chin up, and I was finally free from his hypnotism. Well, sorta. He just did it in another way. I wasn't completely looking up at him when his lips were softly on mine.

He placed his hand back on my waist, pulling me as close as I could possibly get. Instinctively, my arms went straight to the back of his head. I started playing with his hair. His kisses were so sweet. When he pulled away, my head was foggy, free of all worry. "Better?" I couldn't remember how to speak, so I just nodded, eyes still closed and my face still 2 inches from his. I heard him chuckle.

My eyes opened back up, looking at his beautiful smile. He grabbed my hand again, walking back into the living room. This time I saw the eyes on us leaving the kitchen, but he was right. I did feel better. It wasn't long and I was falling asleep, nestled in his chest. I loved his scent, it made me relax. Last thing I remember was the closing credits, and chatter starting.

When I woke up the next morning, I was in Riker's bedroom, his arms tight around me. How did I get up here? I was still laying in his chest. My first morning waking up in his arms. I smiled, wishing for many to come. Just than, I felt Riker's lips on the top of my head. "Good morning love."

I moved my head to his shoulder to see his face. "How did you know I was awake?"

He chuckled. "You smiled." He pressed his lips to mine softly, with a little hesitation to the kiss. "I could get used to this."

That was confusing. "Than kiss me like you mean it?" I said as a question. He laughed, jerking his head over behind me for me to look. I there saw Ross asleep in the bed next to us, only 6 foot away. "Oh!" I said and rolled back to look at him.

"Yeah, otherwise I would lay it on you." He laughed, kissing the tip of my nose. Why am I worried so much. "Wanna take off before everyone gets up?" I thought for a second, than nodded. I wanted Riker to myself, and I wasn't going to get it here. We quietly got up, and Riker threw a shirt on, walking me down stairs.

Rocky, Ryland and Ellington were asleep down stairs in the living room. Wait, when did Ellington get here. Now I felt bad. I would have to meet him another time. Once we were out the door and in his car, he leaned over, and gave me the kiss I wanted in his room. I pulled him close, playing with his hair. He pulled away, resting his forehead on mine. "That what you wanted?"

"Mmm hmm!" He laughed, pulling away to start the car. Truthfully, I wanted much more than that. I wasn't going to say anything right here though. The ride to my apartment was silent, but not the uncomfortable silence. Our hands were laced together, and I was leaned over laying my head on his shoulder.

When we finally pulled up, he got out and opened my door for me. He put his hand back in mine, and I went to open the door. By now, everyone knew we were together, and I took the hate. There were lots of girls threatening to kill me. Even a few boys too. I icked at that thought.

I unlocked the door, and pulled Riker in with me. His family didn't know where I lived, and they would guess he was with me, and I knew I only had an hour tops before one of them were calling him wondering where we were. I took my opportunity, pulling him toward me, leaning my weight on the wall.

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