29| Forgive and Forget but don't Regret.

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Music: The Jellyfish Song (from DRAMAtical Murder) < pretty damn good may i say.

*Chris's POV*

         "Chris, please stop." Ghost begged me, holding my arm so that i wouldn't leave. I was torn in two, i wanted to beat the shit out of Kuza for getting Ghost knocked up the first time , but then i didn't want to upset Ghost because i love him to pieces. I gazed into his ocean blue eyes and sighed, releasing the air trapped inside my tense lungs. I knew which option was the right option because it wouldn't cause any harm to anyone, but could i really let Kuza get away with it? 

           "Kuza..."  I started to say but Ghost stopped me by kissing me. His soft lips abruptly met mine for a passionate kiss that i wasn't going to deny. I missed his kisses. How tender they were. How much feeling he could put into only one kiss. "Devin..." I said in between the numerous kisses, but he cut me off again with his lips. He was delicious, i couldn't keep myself from kissing him more. "Devin, please." I finally pushed him away, my mind coming back to the present.

          He looked up at me, since i was at least three inches taller than him. Oh those precious eyes, they were dazzling and enchanting like a faery's. "Don't." He pouted, sticking out his pink bottom lip making his eyes even wider like a puppy dog.   I gave into him, pulling him closer to me, wrapping my arms around his body gently, as to not hurt him or the baby. 

          It was better this way. I had to remind myself a couple of times as i attempted to clear my mind of what Kuza had done. But maybe it wasn't all this fault. Maybe he didn't mean to get Ghost pregnant the first time. Maybe Kuza didn't even mean to sleep with him that night. And he really had no part in the baby's miscarriage. It was just an unfortunate occurrence that Ghost grew stronger from. And it lead him to being here with me now, pregnant with my child. Maybe if Ghost hadn't had the first pregnancy, or if he hadn't lost the first baby, he wouldn't be here carrying our beautiful child inside of him. As horrible as that may have sounded. Maybe... 

          "Chris... Chris?-" I heard Ghost through my thick delirium of thoughts. "Ow..." I snapped out of it and looked at him, oozing worry." He held his stomach as if he were in pain. Well, he must have been in pain if he said 'ow', right?

         "What's wrong, Love?" I put my hand over his stomach to see if i could feel anything. Not like i'd know what i'm supposed to be feeling, but ya know. "Is the baby okay?" He smiled at my concern and nodded his head, hunched over  little. Against my gentle fingertips i could feel the small baby inside of Ghost pushing and kicking inside of his stomach. It was the weirdest feeling, i could only imagine how Ghost felt about it. 

*Ghost's POV*

         It felt like an inflated alien was swimming around in my stomach. Weird to say the least, but rather unpleasant. I felt like the blood was draining out of my head and directly to the baby, leaving me woozy and light headed like i had sucked the helium out of a balloon and was left with little to no oxygen. I latched onto Chris's hand for support so that i wouldn't fall on my ass.  "Are you okay?" He held my arm. 

         I nodded quickly and gave him a weak smile, but it seemed to convince him. I felt a sharp jolt in my side from the baby kicking me and i doubled over in pain. It wasn't that painful, more uncomfortable than anything, and something that i definitely wasn't used to. I groaned deep in my throat then forcefully stood up straight again. 

          "Oh my god, you're not going into labor are you?" Chris's eyes were wide and he seemed skittish. He's obviously never been through this before. Not that i have, but  i was more aware.


Sorry this was an extremely short chapter and that it took forever for me to update but that's all i got lol... What do you guys think, is Ghost going into labor? (although i think that answer is kinda obvious)

65 reads, 20 votes, or 5 comments= i update...


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