Fever Rising Chapter 2

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So I know the first chapter was short I was just putting my works out there so this one will be longer enjoy!

            Chapter 2-  Big Bird Gets Nasty

My forear- I mean my front legs were outstretched ready to direct the soaring cannonball I was about to become.  The eagle snapped its jaw and hissed at me then let out a horrifying screech.  The worst part of it all was that I understood what it was saying.  ‘Well, well I thought you were a dying race.  Looks like you still have the blood flowing in your veins.’  At that moment I did feel a twang of fear in the back of my heart.  He acted like I was an endangered species.  I’m just a norm- well semi-normal teenager.  My eyes beamed back at him ‘Enough! I won’t talk with you just put the little boy down and leave us all alone!’

‘I don’t know sport.’ The huge bird then took a gust of air and rocketed towards the ceiling.  He dropped the boy on one of the rafters making him cling for his life.  ‘There look it’s all taken care of. Now we can have some fun.’  Now if an eagle could give what looked like a sarcastic grin this one nailed it. 

            The bird tucked its wings into its sides then spiraled down to meet me in what it seemed like would initiate a battle.  Only a meter before slamming into the ground the bird opened up his wings, creating a parachute like system.  Eagle over there just hovered.  Man I guess I’m gonna’ have to make the first move.  I slowly circled around well I’ll call him Big Bird; I crossed my paws over the others.  I shook my mane hoping to intimidate this bird of prey.  His eyes were harder to read than cold marble blocks.  Then I saw my chance.  A man who decided to be brave threw a half eaten burger at Big Bird.  As I leapt through the air my target milliseconds away I thought a care bear could’ve been more effective.

            To tell you what I did in real time would be impossible.  The movements were faster than the human’s eye could ever hope to pick up.  A 16th of a second before we collided I clawed the part of his wing that connects to his body.  My other paw bigger than a pig head wrapped around his snow white head.  Using my paws as leverage I pulled him closer and used my back legs to kick him.  That’s where things began to get messy.  He caught my legs in his massive and to add very sharp talons.   I felt a searing pain in my shoulder and my right paw became loose around his head.  Big Bird’s beak had made a nice tear in my lower shoulder.  Then we crashed and hit the ground.  That pain was one of the worst I’ve felt.

             Before I made impact he must have gained altitude because we fell from at least twenty feet.  Thankfully, nothing was broken, and despite the intense pain in my shoulder I was ok.  However Mr. Big Bird was not looking too hot.  I had crippled him.  His right wing look useless and blood slid out of the wound like a small waterfall.  He limped toward me then said what I believed would be his last words or caws or screeches.  ‘BOY! From what lands are you from?’

            ‘Why? What significance does it have for you to know my heritage?’

‘It makes all the difference’ his voice I could tell was growing smaller.  He was losing a lot of blood. ‘Fine if it makes you stop this rambling I am Italian, Irish, and I’m Dutch.’

‘Dutch you say. Of course, but how could this be? You boy are going to pay for breaking the pact our kinds strove to deem. Haha now I know what it feels like to be face to face with Holland’s Roar.’ Right there in front of me his beak hit the cold stone floor.  I- I killed him. 

            What was he babbling about?  Why does me being Dutch matter?  And this pact? And “our two people”?  My skin felt ice cold that instant. O crap here we go again.  I felt my golden tan fur retract into my body.  Like I had an inner vacuum cleaner.  My teeth felt like they were given one second fix it braces on shrank back to normal size.  I got my mane all trimmed by invisible scissors.  My body then felt like it was swallowing.  All the muscles were moving and tensing then there I was lying on the ground.  With my regular clothes next to my right arm, but I had what seemed like a white tunic with a yellow shield with a white lion inside.  It was also outlined with blue.  What was this?

            I now realized that my friends must be terrified.  I looked back to where they should have been.  I didn’t see them anywhere!  Then someone yelled my name.  “J-j-jimmy we’re over here” It was angelica who peeked out of an upturned table where my friends had taken shelter.  They all crawled out. Except for one.  “Guys! Where the heck did Cody go?”

            “He ran off when the fighting started.  He said he was going to call the police.  I’m just glad he didn’t get hurt.” Even with Hayley’s debriefing I was still worried.  Why would he go and run off like that?  He could’ve called them from here couldn’t he? 

            “Not to ruin our party but that kid looks like he’s 30 seconds from peeing his pants.” Good ole’ Nick to get us back to reality.  “Uh that’s great and all but you guys don’t really seem freaked out that I turned into a lion like I was some backwards werewolf.” I knew that I was freaked out how could they not be?

“We are all scared out of our wits Jimmy we just thought if we acted like we weren’t you’d feel better.”  For some reason that hurt.  Probably because I knew it was true.  I knew that I was about to break down any minute.

            “Just call the police I’m getting out of here.  I can’t be normal I should just high tail.”  Before any of them could see the tears running across my cheeks I ran faster than I ever had before.   With my clothes in my arms and this tunic thing on my back I was going to run until I was far away from everything.  When I saw the woods just outside the building I ran straight into them.  I guess I’m king of the jungle now; I better start getting used to it.  I only got about half a mile before I collapsed and sobbed until my body could produce no more tears.  I didn’t want anyone to see me like an outcast; like I was some freak of nature.  I didn’t want someone to see me for what I really am. 

            “Aw Look at the poor baby” a deep taunting voice boomed into my ears.  My head shot up.  There were huge dark figures all around me.  I tried to run but they surrounded me faster than I could move.  “No where left to run Leon Tao”  before I could even say whaaa? I was knocked out without any warnings given.

Alright there is chapter two.  If you read this thank you and I hope you enjoy it next one will be here soon.

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