'No problem.' I gave her a weak smile back and then found myself a seat and sat down. The wait seemed like forever even though it could only of been a couple of minutes. I tried to distract myself so much but I just couldn't all I could think about was what was about to happen to me. I almost started crying but I held it in I couldn't go in there crying.

The door opened and I looked up. It was Tulisa. 'Hey babe, come on in' She smiled. She didn't look sad, which I took as a good sign but then again this didn't mean that much to her. I stood up and my legs started shaking. I felt like they were about to give way and I would collapse in a hap on the floor but they didn't.

I slowly inched towards Tulisa. I got there and she held the door open for me. I squeaked a quick thanks before walking inside. Tulisa followed and shut the door behind us. She led me to a seat and I sat down.

I looked around and I saw Olly, Caroline, Tulisa, Katy, Louis, Harry and Simon Cowell. SIMON! SIMON COWELL! OH MY GOSH! That meant one thing. This was really serious. My heart sank in my chest as I realised Simon would only be here if it meant I was going and simon was here.... So I was going.

'Hello Ariana I don't believe we have met yet' Simon said reaching his hand out. I took it and shook it. He carried on 'I am Simon COWELL and X-Factor is my show'

'Yeah, I know' I tried to smile but it probably came out as more of a grimace. He smiled back.

'You are probably wondering why you are here?' He asked looking me full on in the eyes.

'I think I have a pretty good idea actually' I said and as soon as I said this I could feel my face drop. I didn't know how I looked right now and to be perfectly honest I didn't want to.

'Oh really?' Simon asked looking amused 'and what would that be?'

'Well the other day the paps saw me and Caroline in the airport in Greece which gave away that I was through and the girls were with Tulisa. The rules are not to let anyone know and now the whole of Britain knows so I'm guessing I'm here so you can formally let me know that I will not be a part of the competition anymore' while I said this the tears swelled in my eyes so I decided to look down and not look at anyone. Simon laughed.

'Well that would normally be the case' he said.

'Normally?' I asked. Again he laughed.

'Yes normally. But you are special. I don't know but there is something about you! And everyone here wants you to stay! They have all given good arguments aswell. Caroline, Olly and Tulisa all said you were given permission and meant no harm. Louis said that you were the most talented person on the show and it would be a massive mistake to kick you out and Harry well he saved you. He said that we can use this to our advantage. You are already known by the public and now you seem sweet, loyal, kind and friendly because you were rushing to help a friend. So you can stay the real reason I called you here is because I have heard you sing and I wanted to offer you a contract with syco my recording company. So even if you don't win you will be signed. Is that ok with you?' He asked looking up at me. I didn't know what to do or say. I was flattered by everyone, emotional, surprised and confused. I just nodded at Simon and everyone laughed.

We got all of the papers signed and then I got to leave. I gave everyone a massive hug and thank you but when it came to Harry I gave him the biggest hug of all because after all it had been him who saved me.

'Thankyou so so much!' I whispered in his ear.

'Anytime' he replied.

'No seriously you saved me I don't know how to thank you!' I said still hugging him.

'Stay behind a bit after so we can talk properly?' He asked and I nodded into his shoulder. We let go and I shook Simons hand and he asked to get a picture with me. He said it was for syco. But oh my gosh! Simon asked me for a picture! Harry got both of our phones and took the picture. After the picture was taken Simon wished me luck in the rest of the competition and have me a hug.

I was told I wasn't allowed to tell anyone not even my family about this record deal it was a total secret because if anyone found out the show would be in jeapordy. Slowly everyone left the room leaving me and Harry.

'Thankyou so much Harry! You honestly have no idea how much this means to me!'

'Its no problem! Honestly ariana don't worry about it!'

'But I need to! It would have been so hard telling my family and Josh that I had been thrown out especially after they had helped me so much' I told him smiling then Harry changed slightly.

'Josh?' He asked.

'Yeah my boyfriend' I smiled an Harry looked disappointed but quickly recomposed himself. He walked closer to me and hugged me.

'Ariana, don't worry about it ok?' He asked.

'But you helped me at boot camp and now this? That's twice you saved me! How can I repay you?'

'You don't need to!' He said

'I honestly don't know what I would do without you Harry' I said. He kissed my cheek and we stopped hugging. I needed to leave. Now. 'Sorry Harry I have to go! I will see you soon yeah? Bye!' I said before running out the door. I ran all the way to the tube before I stopped running. I got my phone out and I had a new message.

From: Harry Styles:) xx

Bye ariana x

He had saved himself into my phone. He must of done it while me and Simon were talking after the picture! I quickly got onto the tube and tried to forget everything. But I couldn't something about the kiss....


hey! so I hope you liked it PLEASE DONT FORGET TO COMMENT AND VOTE IF YOU DID! haha and chack out my other fan fics if you liked this one:)

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