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A few hours before sun set Jô got a message on his PDA telling him to come to the bridge.

He arrived. A dude with a red and green mask on waited.

Dude:- what took you so long Tenjo Yuki.

Jo:- 'why did you call me.

Dude:- 'I see your left KCDA.' He says as he stared at the yellow jacket.

Jo:- 'what does it matter to you. You never cared for me.

Dude:- really. I wonder why you compare me to my brother. I gave you a home and and a new life. A name in fact. I gave you a future.

Jo:- cut the garbage and get to the point optimus.

Optimus:- I want you to get something for me.

Jo:- 'no way!!! Do you have any idea on how many people have been hurt because of us. I'm done with the group.' Jo said and pulled a purple and silver mask out of his backpack and dropped it on the ground.

Optimus:- so after everything the Trinity did for you this is how you say thank you.

Jo:- I have a new life and I don't plan on wasting it on something evil.

Optimus turns and walks away.

Optimus:- 'You're one day going to regret this decision'. He begins to fade away. 'we'll have that final brawl and duel soon.'

Jo:- I'll be waiting for that day. Tsk.


Yusuke sat on a swing set staring at the sun set aand a tear came down her face. She lifted up the locket around her neck and opened it. The picture of boy friend: Shane Yami ( now dead). { I promise to get to the KING OF GAMES rank for you.} And wipes the tears of.

Yukato:- I miss him to.

Kira got a fright. She closed the locket and hugged her brother.

Yukato:- um... What's with the hug?

Yusuke:- nothing just glad I have you lil bro.

Kobby:- I'm not little anymore.

Yusuke:- what should I call you my big bro. *She sys the laughs*

Kobby:- just bro.*he says Then laughs.*

Yusuke:- if you insist "brother".

They talk about some stuff then Kobby remembered his moms message.

Kobby:- mom says we are having a family dinner so you should be there.

Yusuke:- if its a family dinner she's cooking so I wouldn't miss that dinner. How's space dueling going.? She asked as she got of the swing.


Space dueling is a duel which takes place in the sky or in air. Duelists have a special kind of boot that allows them to fly. Some use a hover boards but get magnetic boots that stick to the board to prevent them from falling of.


Yukato:- not bad. We didnt get to practice to day. Just duel and brawl on solid ground.

Yusuke:- let's go home. I'm starving.

Yukato:- me to.

Yusuke:race ya there.

YU-GI-OH! ZENOVERSE. with a little bit of BAKUGANOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz