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Hey guys, here's part 2 Hope you love/like it.

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Brawl continued.....


Bakugan brawl. Ventus Cynogriffon stand.' Lilly said.

'WAIT I KNOW THAT BAKUGAN.' Yukato said jumping to his feet.

'Really?' Jo asked.

'I knew there was something about that lady but I couldn't figure it out.' Phantom said.

'I can't believe you didn't recognize the lady you were with last night Kobby.' Dadulas said and laughed.

'Wait. You were with another woman.' Mira said and punched Yukato on the shoulder.

'No, I would never do that.' I said defending my self. 'I don't even know what happened.'

'Really?' She asked in a sarcastic tone.

'Believe me nothing happened.' Druman said. 'He was ambushed.'

'Time to end this! Let's go Scalarnoid!' Laura said. 'Ability card activate: scales of destruction.
(Scales of destruction: double up Scalarnoid's g-power.)

Scalarnoid: 390→780.

'I can sense victory.' Scalarnoid declared.

'Wow, I didn't imagine you would  get power like that dear.' Lily said. 'But don't you know to much power destroys you.'

'Why  does that sound to familiar?' Bruce, Laura, Kira, Mira and I all asked  in a thought.

'Ability card activate! Raising wind .'

(Raising winds:  sends cynogriffon's g-power to exactly the same level as opposition.)

Cynogriffon:  380→780

'Heh. Way to go lady. But I have one thing on my side.' Laura said.

'You tell her girl.' Scalarnoid said and jumped towards his opponent.

'What might that be?' Cynogriffon and Lilly asked.

'THIS!!! GATE CARD OPEN!! Level Down.

(Level down: drops the opponent bakugan's power by 100 if that bakugan has 400Gs or more)

Cynogriffon: 780→680

'Time to end this fight.' Scalarnoid said and run to attack the griffon.

'If that won't work then I have no choice than to activate this.' She held a card. 'Key Card unlocked! : Seven Gales.

'What the hell is that?' Most people from the crowd including me, Mira, Kira, Bruce and some bakugan asked.

7 Gales: nullifies opponents abilities and gate cards and increases all Ventus bakugan's power by 50→300 Gs.

'What?! No, no. I was so close.' Laura said and punched the air and stamped her foot on the ground.

Cynogriffon: 680→930.

YU-GI-OH! ZENOVERSE. with a little bit of BAKUGANМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя