chapter 9

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Unable to keep my focus on the work in front of me, I groaned and leaned back in my leather rollie chair which I love. I've been too caught up in thinking about Justin actually being married to Penelope. That explains the similar names, and how I never got to see where he lived, also the way he'd scowl at his phone whenever it vibrated around me.

Justin was the asshole of a husband Penelope spoke about, he was the one that would never want to be around her and he was the one that didn't want to have kids with her (which I was lowkey thankful for). Justin was the asshole that Penelope described but it didn't seem to fit him.

He was always a sweetheart to me, he always made sure I was pleasured before he worried about himself matter of fact he spends more time with his head between my legs than I am on my knees for him.

I'm just being honest.

But anyways, I feel bad for agreeing to continue on with out little affair. Its totally not fair to Penelope because she loves this man while I'm deeply in like with him. Yes, I like him a lot and I'm not sure if its strong enough to call it love just yet. And besides I can't love a married man, it just isn't right. Just imagine yourself as the wife, staying at home and preparing everything for your husband while he's out fùcking a 22 year old woman who's simply a photographer.

Imagine how Penelope feels, yeah she's crazy but no one deserves to be cheated on.

I think I'm starting to rethink everything I agreed to these past few days, including the plans with Penelope and Justin. Yes, I will be spending a whole 2 hours with my boyfriend and his wife; Along with his mother and some other people. Penelope said I could bring a guest and the first person I thought of was Jade but she had plans of her own plus, she knew of Justin as my boyfriend and not someone else's husband.

And Daniel was definitely out of the picture, not because he knows Justin as my boyfriend also, but because he had a very bad habit of flirting with everyone. Last thing I needed was him taking someone's wife at a dinner party, again.

Then the last person I asked was Justin, well his friend Ryan. Although we didn't know each other well, from what I heard from Justin he was also going to the gathering without a date. So we agreed to go with each other and of course, Justin went protective mode. He set down some ground rules to Ryan the other day and it was very funny because they all went a little something like this;

Don't touch my doll

Don't breathe too close to my baby

Don't talk about anything to Sequoia, unless you're gonna give her a compliment about the soles of her shoes.

Wait, don't even do that because that would mean you were staring at her too hard.

Of course, they bickered about it as they sat across from me fully dressed in their uniforms. It was funny as hell though, two attractive grown men bickering in a booth about me in their tight dark blue uniforms? I know people would pay to see that.

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