Back in the Arena

Start from the beginning

I felt the Wend rushing to the surface. It always loved to feed on cocky bad guys. I had to restrain myself and take a deep breath. Now was not the time, but I consoled myself that soon this lead guard would be Wend Food.

"No, Eliza. It's all right. We'll go. But you'll be seeing us again," David said and touched me on the shoulder.

We walked through the jump door...

And found ourselves back in the Arena. Hordes of spectators filled the stands. They jeered and shouted insults when they saw us. The mass in the stands was overwhelming. Hot lights shined in our faces and cameras swooped and buzzed around us like angry wasps.

Suddenly Father K's floating media platform jetted out from the stands and swooped down towards us. The charismatic leader was dressed in tight leather pants and a flowing cape. His makeup was even more garish than normal. His microphone staff was in one hand.

"The two young lovers have returned!" Father K shouted and swirled around us on his platform. His platform set down in the sands and he bounded towards us. Beside him were four muscular guards who looked really mean.

"Do you know what's in store for you?" Father K said to David.

"Let me guess. We're going to be released and sent back to Earth," David said.

Father K chortled. "Such a sense of humor from our young ranger. No, young Master Ross I'm afraid for your crimes against the great church of Darwin, you have been sentenced to compete in the Arena, but to make sure you have a sporting chance at success we shall give you your weapons back."

The guards handed us our Etheric Knives back. David and I took them and put them in our holsters behind our backs.

"You won't get away with this, Father K," I said, "One way or the other the Galactic Council will see that you're brought to justice. You and your whole stinking corrupt church."

Father K winked at me. "Maybe some day, Ms. Grant. But not today. Today it's time for entertainment."

Father K bounded back to his floating platform. The crowd roared. They seemed to be in a particularly bloodthirsty mood today. The noise swelled and built until it was almost deafening.

David grabbed my hand and looked at me. "No matter what happens next. Just remember that you represent Earth. If we're going to die than we go out as Rangers."

I nodded. I tried to prepare myself for death. I didn't see any way out of this mess. I was always taught by Mary that a Keeper of the Wend doesn't run from death. She embraces it. Well, I was going to be put to the test today to see if I could live up to her training.

Father K's platform rose into the air and raced off towards the stands. Trumpets blew. The crowed roared its approval and shouted insults at David and me. I thought about flipping this whole obnoxious crowd off, but I didn't want to give them the satisfaction.

"Now we present for you. A special broadcast of the Temple of Trials. Where only the strongest shall survive. Returning champions, David Ross and Eliza Grant shall battle for your entertainment pleasure. Let's wish them the very best," an obnoxious announcer said over the loudspeakers.

The crowd booed and hissed at us although some did cheer.

"And now please welcome, your favorite hunters from the Temple of Trials, everyone give a warm welcome to Tieg Nelson and Zapraxia" the announcer said.

The doors in the arena opened and the hunters from the Temple of Trials emerged. They flew out on flying skiffs. There were two of them. All of them were dressed in tight fitting battle armor and carried energy weapons. They circled the arena, swooping in and out as the cameras closed in on them for closeups.

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