We Didn't Die. Let's Party!

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"We'll discuss your powers later. Now let's get you settled and cleaned up for the party," Life said briskly and clapped her hands.

"Party?" Amber asked. I tilted my head.

"Yes party, we are having a ball to celebrate that all the powers have been recovered!" Life continued cheerily. Maddy began tipping her head like a confused dog.

"Seriously? We're partying after we were nearly killed?" I questioned and began plotting my escape route.

"Don't even think about it Sara," Death said sternly. "You'll be fine. You all need a good meal and dancing is good for syncing energies."

"This makes no sense," Maddy grumbled.

"Beyond not cool," Adhya muttered to me. I whispered back, "Agreed."

"What is this, an anime?" Amber joked. I applauded appreciatively.

"You have to get used to this, believe me. When your adults you'll most likely be diplomats," Death explained slowly. "You'll have to attend formal meetings. Best to get used to it now."

"We're getting ahead of ourselves," Life intervened. "Let's first take you to your rooms and get a feel for the rest of the academy."

Griffin gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. I cooled off a little and nodded. I saw the girls getting similar treatment from the partners. It seemed that their souls had a very calming effect on us.

"Ok then let's go," I agreed. After all, I could always sleep through the party.

Life waved a hand for us to follow her. She lead us through the gates and into a courtyard. It was big and open with expanses of grass and trees. The center path that we stood on was Made of cobblestones. Kids in armor lounged about or read books. A few were fighting with knives.

"Here's our common area, this is where you can come during lunch and free time. Students often practice combat here," Life explained as we walked through.

"Did that person just get stabbed?" Adhya asked and pointed towards the knife duel.

"Um, yeah," I replied, confirming the sight as I leaned out from behind her.

"What?" Maddy said and leaned out from behind me.

"Oh fun," Amber said with a hint of sarcasm as she bent near in half to see.

"That happens," Jared explained. Wincing Griffin added, "We've got to get used to it. Demons aren't going to stop because your hurt."

"Always sunshine and rainbows with you, isn't it?" Adam remarked.

"Ain't that the pot calling the kettle black," Keanu poked.

"You did say you would undoubtedly drop your partner, and that their skull would be cracked on the ground," Jared pointed out.

Amber smacked Adam's arm. He yelped and rubbed it.

"Let's move on," Life suggested. She elbowed Death for help.

"Yes let's go into the castle shall we?" Death asked cordially. They both started walking without an answer. Cautiously we followed.

Maddy groaned as we were confronted by a flight of white marble stairs. Life and Death floated up them easily and gracefully. For us mortals, ungainly scramble is a more accurate description.

"I'm so out of shape," Amber panted at the top. Adam nodded in agreement.

"We just fought a demon and jumped off a building, we're entitled to be tired," Adhya growled.

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