Love At First Sight & Concerts.

Start from the beginning

"But-" the little blonde girl starts but gets cut off when another girl walks out of one of the dressing rooms.

As soon as she came out, Zayn couldn't take his eyes off of her. Her black, curly hair cascaded down her back as dark brown eyes stayed behind long lashes. She looked the same height as the other brunette when she walked next to her to look at herself in the full-length mirror. The mystery girl was wearing pale blue, ripped skinnys with a creamy sweater that had a black heart on the front. Her feet were adorned with black and white Converse.

"Do I really have to go to this 'surprise' you guys whipped up for me?" she asked, turning around to face the other two. When the other girls turned around, he noticed that the three girls looked like sisters. The two being the same height looked like twins, only the other brunette had blue eyes. "I mean, I'm grateful and all that you guys want to celebrate my birthday today, but it's just another day to me," she sighed.

The other two girls looked at one another and smirked. "Yes!" they said in unison. The dark eyed girl rolls her eyes and smiled as she mutters an "alright" to the two and begins to go back into the changing room to get dressed.

When Niall pulled on his arm to get his attention, he pulled his eyes away from the scene in front of them and looked back at the blond haired chap next to him. He mouthed some words before Zayn got the message. As they walked out of the store, he couldn't help but wonder what were the girls' names, especially the one who's birthday was today.

Zayn was too preoccupied on thinking about that mystery girl to realize that he hadn't even thought of Perrie once since he saw those girls in the store.


"Guys, will you cut it out and take the blindfold off? I feel as if I'm going to trip," my arms were searching for something to grab onto as my two nut-jobs of sisters made me follow the sound of their voice. They had brought me to only God knows where for my 'birthday surprise'. Even though Marissa and I have the same birthday, we've always agreed that I would get our actual birthday as my own (since I was born first by those pesky twelve minutes) and she'd get her day the day after.

So far, they've made breakfast in-bed for me and then took me shopping to fifteen different stores, buying me whatever I wanted from them. I was wearing the outfit I had gotten at one store. It was a comfy sweater (that I put over a tank top) that had a black heart on it. The jeans I wore were a light blue and gave off the feature that they were ripped. My lucky pair of Coverse stayed on my feet the entire day as we escaped the dredded stores and onto lunch. Then, they spent the entire afternoon just pampering me and putting makeup on my face. They had curled my hair and attempted to make me look irresistible.

And now, they were talking me to some unknown place that had lots of teenage girls screaming their heads off.


Teenage girls screaming their heads off?

I ripped the blindfold off of my head and looked around at my surroundings. We were at an arena that had One Direction merchandize and their faces all over it. We were at a concert.

A One Direction concert, to be more specific.

I looked between my two sisters (who had screamed a "surprise" at me) and smiled at them with tears in my eyes. I grabbed them to my chest and hugged them as they hugged me back. "You guys are the best," I mumbled as I pulled away from them.

"Oh, we know." said Marissa, waving me off. She then nudged our little sister and winked. "Told ya she'd love it,"

After talking amongst ourselves and waiting in a line to go in, Marissa gave a man our tickets and we soon went in. The concert had finally started after about ten minutes of waiting inside the arena. The boys came out and they made me smile and laugh as they did their little antics. Halfway through the show, I realized that I could never unlove these boys like I had thought I could. Tears settled in my eyes as they ran off the stage for a break and I pulled my two sisters in for another hug. I was happy to lose my concert virginity with them (and especially to One Direction). I was happy about everything in my life and was glad to be here with them, having the time of my life.

When the boys came back out, Niall had pointed out to Zayn about something as Harry sung his solo in 'Rock Me', Zayn had told some security guard to do something and then he smiled. I couldn't help but wonder what he had said to the man, but when Louis Freaking Tomlinson walked passed us and waved at me, I couldn't help the excitement overflow from my body and fangirl. Laney and I were jumping up and down nonstop throughout the whole concert and even Marissa sang along with us to some songs.

We cried during 'Little Things', laughed at 'She's Not Afraid', screamed at their cover of 'Teenage Dirtbag', did the wave at 'More Than This', and smiled with tears in our eyes as they sung 'What Makes You Beautiful'.

This was by far the best birthday present anyone had ever given me.

When the concert was over and everyone was clearing out, I had started to walk down one of the isles when a security guard stopped us. It was the same guard that Zayn had talked to before and I was puzzled as to why he had came over to us. I looked back at Marissa and Laney as they just looked as confused as me. "Excuse me miss," the guard had said, "but you are requested by one of the boys to come and meet them."

My blood had run cold and I swear that I felt my heart stop beating. Before I could say anything in reply, Marissa and Laney were dragging me along with them as they followed behind the guard. We walked down a few hallways and before we knew it, we were in front of the door to their dressing room. Laney was shaking and Marissa looked slightly nervous as the security guard knocked on the door.

When the guard motioned us in, I grabbed onto Marissa to steady myself. Laney did the same to me. The dressing room was like I had thought it would be and I couldn't help but look around in wonder like the other two girls who were right next to me were. Then, my eyes landed on the five boys who were goofing off. They looked so happy and smiley that before I could sigh in content at just being in the same room as them, I had to cover my eardrums (along with Marissa) because of Laney's scream.

Instantaneously, their heads turned around to meet us and see the twelve year old freaking out before them. Biting my lip and looking at my twin, I couldn't help but howl in laughter. Marissa soon joins me and we end up laughing our heads off at nothing in particular. Laney just looks at us as if we're crazy and gives us a look that says not to embarrass her.

Too late for that Lanes.

When we had calmed ourselves down, we noticed that the boys were standing in front of us. They introduced themselves (which they didn't really have to; I almost knew everything there is to know about them). When Marissa introduced herself (along with a fangirling Laney), it was my turn to say my name. "Vallin," I did with a smile.

Zayn was looking at me the whole time and smiled when I noticed his glance. Before I knew it, I was left alone with Zayn as Marissa was talking with Niall and Louis and Laney had taken the attention of Liam and Harry (even though I caught the curly mop's attention - as he kept looking over at me). I knew that whatever was going to happen between all of us in the future was going to be left unsaid, and I wanted it to stay that way.

And this time, I was going to stay far away from that cheeky boy Harry . . .


*Dries Tears*

It is done.

I would like to thank you all that have read this book and voted, commented, recommended this book; you guys are fabulous. If you would like me to answer any questions about this book or myself, you can leave them on any chapter in this book as a comment (or you could just comment it here so I could update the Q&A faster, that'd be brilliant). I hope you all liked (or if not, somewhat loved) this story. And if any of you are sad that it is short, I warned you guys in the beginning that it was short. But anyway, it was a pleasure writing this story and I hope to write more in the future. Goodbye for now. ✌

Forever yours,


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