Shower Affections & Amnesia.

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WAKING UP BEFORE MY ALARM clock went off was something normal for me to do. I lay in bed with a smile on my face and can't help but stretch out in enjoyment. I had another dream about Zayn, and it went perfectly. I even got to feel his lips on mine for once!

Silently slipping out of bed, I noticed the petite arm that was draped over my waist last night, was no longer there. I choose to open my eyes and find that I'm not in my room anymore. At first, I start to panic as I scamper to the wall and take in everything.

The bed sheets were white. The carpet was white also. Curtains over the huge window (which I was assuming was a door that led to a balcony) were a see-through black since the material was so thin. The dresser and nightstands were either a black or white. Things were everywhere in neat places. The dresser tops looked gorgeous as the total opposite color object was scattered across the tops (from what I'm guessing. I don't have my glasses on). I looked around the room in awe. It was beautiful.

And it was my dream bedroom.

Just to check and make sure I was dreaming and not actually awake (still deciding whether it's a good thing or a bad thing), I stalked to the closet and yanked open the doors. I'm met with gorgeous clothes and perfect things that I just can't even handle anymore. I stare for a few more seconds before pinching myself and sighing.

"Well, if this is a dream, might as well make the most of it." I said to myself.

Searching through the neat and tidy closet, I found there was a women's and a men's side. Tailored suits lines up first on both sides, then elegant wear, and lastly, casual. I smiled and reached for a white, knitted sweater and black leggings. I searched through some drawers and found a bra with matching underwear (picking the one that's not lace). I made my way out of the closet and shut the door back, leaving it how I found it.

I felt as if I lived here and everything was completely normal. That feeling was pure bliss. It was such a good feeling, I didn't want to let it go. Sighing, I walked into the bathroom and shut the door, not bothering to lock it. I wanted the steam to help open up my pores today. For some reason, I felt as if today was going to be hard. Harder than usual that is.

School. Just get through another week and you'll be alright. I told myself twice before stepping in before turning around.

I noticed (without my glasses of course) that even the bathroom was elegant and tidy. There were towels hanging on a rack in the center of the wall to my right and a beautifully done sink to my left. The bathroom was huge. It could fit a small jacuzzi tub inside of it and you'd still have a little space for walking. The shower was besides the sink and it was clear glass. It kind of freaked me out, but I shrugged it off nonchalantly. The walls were a beautiful black with white and black tile.

I was absolutely and irrevocably in love with this bathroom.

I didn't glance at my reflection when I approached the mirror until I had a towel on the toilet seat, with my clothes on the back of it. When I looked up at myself, expecting to see the doe-eyed, blemish having, dull and frizzy curly haired, short girl I had grown to be, my mouth dropped. What greeted me in the mirror was nothing of the sorts.

A beautiful, gorgeous girl with long curly hair that looked silky smooth to the touch and deep brown eyes stared back at me. Not a zit or blemish in sight (unless your looking super close. I mean, come on. Who's not going to have a pimple on their face?). I had gotten taller, my hair full with more volume, and I most definitely got bigger in the chest department too.

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