Realizations & New Beginnings.

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She gave me a once over and then hopped out of bed. She grabbed me by the shoulders and started to shake me really hard. "What have you done with my sister? Who are you? Gimme back my twin!" she attempted to slap my cheek, but I pushed her away. She still looked cautious of me and I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction of the new and improved me.

"Marissa, it's me babe. I'm Vallin, you're twin. Now go get in the shower before I push you in it," I joked with her, letting a smile take over my lips.

She continued to look at me and then got off of my bed to leave my room. Before she left, she looks back at me and asks, "Vallin, are you sure you're okay?" her voice was filled with concern and I couldn't help but smile back at her.

"Never better." she gave me one final look before exiting my room.

Sighing happily, I pick up my laptop (surprised to see that it's not dead yet) and spot the picture of Zayn and Perrie. My heart drops a little, but I smile anyway and continue to clean my room.

I got my time with him, now I don't have to fawn over him anymore . . . I just hope Perrie doesn't brake his heart.


It's been a full two weeks since I've had that crazy (but wonderful) "dream". The boys (meaning Alex, Justin, Jackson, and Marc, not the other boys) were curious as to why I had given up One Direction so easily and abruptly. I had told them that my reality caught up with me and my future was more important (which it was). Justin was sad to hear me say this because (and I quote) he 'didn't get to tease me enough about them and Zayn'. I had laughed at him and shook my head, just carrying on, trying to find some paint in Walmart. The boys had managed to get themselves kicked out that day, so I had to look for a color to set my room on my own.

It was not fun, let me tell you.

There were just so many paints and colors that I finally just gave up and picked a nice red for my room. My mom and dad had said that it was okay to paint my room and do with it what I want since they heard from Marissa that I was over 'that boyband'. I guess they were just grateful that they didn't have to hear about that band anymore (well, besides from Laney's constant yapping about them). And Laney was so mad that I didn't like them anymore, she stopped taking to me.

But then (me being the brilliant person I am), I gave her all of my One Direction merchandize and she forgave me right away.

Now, I was in my room, painting over my red walls with my art, whilst listening to some Taylor Swift (my iPod was on shuffle). I had to move all the big things in my room out into the hallway (which was okay since I was the last room down the hall) so that I could paint and do my thing. I had already successfully drawn (and painted) a few birds flying from an open cage on one of my walls by using the help of some stencils.

I had written some quotes in cursive (and plastered on some too) onto my walls, trying to remind me to be happy, think positive, and never give up. There were a few pictures I had gotten and put up around my room that attached to the walls. There were even four of my favorite poems (or some lyrics) on each of my walls. I had smiled at them every time I had come in here. Since Marissa and the four boys had helped me with painting and whatnot, we had a lot of fun and laughs.

We even put our hands in different colors of paint and stuck our handprints on the wall, along with our signatures.

Right now, I had been painting the Zap! from the bottom of my board above where my headboard would go. I was working on the outline and letters when my little sister came running in. "Vallin! Vallin! Vallin! You will never believe what I just saw," Laney exclaimed in excitement. Her hair was up in a ponytail and she had on some jeans and a One Direction t-shirt. Her tablet was in her hands and I couldn't help but wondering what One Direction have possibly done now.

"What is it Lanes?" I asked, continuing to work on my piece if art. I could tell whatever she was so excited about something, it just had to be One Direction related since she always comes to me now whenever there's something new going on with them.

She squeaks in excitement and runs over to me and hugs onto my legs, making me almost lose my balance and mess up my artwork. Before I can scream her name, she says, "Zayn's not with Perrie anymore! Can you believe it? They were fighting about something and then the paparazzi overheard some of the conversation, and you'll never guess what it was about!" I got down off of the low stool and put down my paint brush as she was saying all this.

Yes, it was a surprise to me that Perrie and Zayn have broken up, but it didn't matter to me anymore what he did. He was still handsome and he was in my top ten (but had been bumped down a couple slots since I saw this cute new boy at my school) so I did look into him every once in a whilst, but never really paid attention to his love life (anymore, at least).

I was about to guess when Laney cut me off. "She cheated on him! Can you believe it? Now you've just gotta go out with him so that I can meet Harry!" she was jumping up and down in my room, acting all crazy-like.

I shook my head at her and smiled. "Laney, I'm not a hard-core Directioner anymore. I'm sorry but I'm just not into them like I use to be," I gave her a gentle side hug to try to cheer her up. She looked sad at first but then brushed me off and skipped away from my room, going back to whatever she was doing before she interrupted my art session.

Rolling my eyes at her (she was going to be such a Drama Queen like Marissa) and got back onto the stool so that I could finish up my picture. When the song 'Kiss You' came on, I couldn't help but sing along. When I finally finished my painting, I smiled at it as I stepped back and nodded at it, thinking it was perfect.

Just like how my life now has turned out.

But I can't say the same thing for Zayn though . . .

Forever, Yours. ✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя