Being away from Talha helps Bela get herself together. His presence puts her on edge and she can't deal with that. Having Norman fill her in on the details made her feel light, everything boils down to her and if she makes a mistake then she's done for life. Cool it Bela. You can do this. She's revising some French vocabulary whilst enjoying a cup of coffee.


'Yes?' Bela faces Norman.

'Are you prepped?' The old man smiles.

'Barely.' She smacks the paper against her face making Norman chuckle. This one is different for sure! I think Mr. Jabir will have a tough time keeping up with her, hmmph. Serves him right.

'They'll be here any minute, y'know.' Bela squeezes her eyes shut, I can't handle the pressure.

'Thanks for the update Norman,' she rubs her temples and thinks of her mother's spicy soup. She's been thinking about it a lot recently, I'll send her message about it. Norman silently observes the troubled girl and then leaves her alone. He feels incredibly bad for her, of all the good people in the world to get caught to the fury of the young man, it had to be Bela. What did that innocent girl do? Oh dear God, save her.

Okay, are u coming home early? Her mother replies instantly.

I don't think so. Why?

We need to talk. Bela feels the weight of the world on her tiny heart at that one statement. What is this all about now? I've been here for almost five hours but it feels like a year and now my mother wants to "talk" which could only mean that this is a topic that involves no jokes whatsoever. How sad... what is life... 

In sha Allah J Typing in the smiley face makes Bela feel so immature, she sends it nonetheless hoping that whatever icy thought her mother was having would melt away at her daughter's genuine emoji.

Talha waves goodbye to his French guest and returns to his office contentedly. The serpent did well; then again I shouldn't have expected anything less. Why did I think she'd do the opposite to what I told her? Probably because I was so harsh on her... Allahumma Arhamna. His eyes land on the woman he secretly views as gullible and naïve. Bela is doodling on her note book, the moment she hears his footsteps she shuts her book closed. The last thing she wants him looking at, is her attempt at Arabic calligraphy.

'Am I done for the day?' Bela inquires as she gathers her things from the edge of his table; she already knew that it was past six o'clock but she wanted confirmation, the man wants everything done his way so it's unpredictable. He doesn't answer, instead he observes her expression. Unreadable.

'Yes.' He inches to his seat and settles in comfortably. Bela doesn't know what to say next but all she knows is that she doesn't want to spend another minute here. 'Tomorrow we have a meeting with your Spanish folk.' Ah that's comforting. 'It'll be at a hotel so there'll be more judgmental eyes to impress, think you can handle it?' He smirks to lighten the mood.

'Sure, is that all?' Hearing her so drained of emotion pricks at his thoughts; he nods and she walks away with her head held high. 

Talha grits his teeth in annoyance, what is her problem?! Why can't she be nice, the meeting went well, I sealed that deal and we were all happy but there she was just moments ago sulking to no end... I don't understand her. Wallah that woman...The young man unconsciously stabs his Pierre Cardin pen on a paper he had just signed. Now there's a ball point hole through the paper he has to hand in tomorrow.

'Tsk, ugh!' He throws the exquisite pen across the room and rakes a hand through his messy hair. The fact that Bela can rile him up by doing the complete opposite of what he wants her to do irritates him some more. You're just using her Talha, get over it already. In reality he can't and that thought leaves him troubled for the whole night.

'Mama you can't be serious!'

'Soy!' (I am)

'Estas siendo ridiculo.' (You're being ridiculous)

'Ver su boca!' (Watch your mouth)Sumayya scrunches her eyes shut, her face is red and she looks out of breath.

'Please mama,' she begs one last time but Maria shakes her head. 'Why are you doing this?'

'Madre sabe mejor, if you go something could happen to you.' (Mother knows best) Sumayya shoves her face into a pillow; Sara pats her shoulder lightly in consolation. The girls' want to go out with a couple of their friends' but upon mentioning that there'll be boys, Maria was against the idea. Usually, the lady of the house is calm and collected when dealing with her children but today she's on edge. She's been planning how to approach her eldest daughter and ask her what she thinks about marriage.  Bela had come home, greeted her softly and floated to her room; Maria knows that her job is very demanding but she can't help but think that there's more to it. All her pent up tension is unravelling now. Keep it together Maria, calma calma. (Calm, calm) 'Bajar para la cena.' (Come down for dinner)

Bela rubs her neck in exhaustion and yawns; she eyes her mother who's stirring the pot of soup she requested. She's slumped against the counter, dressed in her loose pajamas. Today has to be the longest day ever, how am I going to survive? I wish I could just quit. You can't quit Bela. I know! This is so frustrating, that man is... He is so wicked, cruel, deceitful and manipulative. I could easily throw a vase at him and not feel guilty about it. The thought of a vase smashing against his handsome face makes Bela grin.

'Tu sonriendo a?' (What are you smiling at?) Maria lifts her eyebrows at her daughter. Bela bites her cheek in embarrassment, what is wrong with me?!

'Nada.' (Nothing) She mutters and cracks her knuckles. 'Mama, you wanted to talk to me about something right?' She shifts the topic, as much as I'm dreading this; I want to get it over with. Her mother nods slowly and resumes her stirring.

'I don't want to make you uncomfortable but I want to know what you think about marriage.' She completes in a single breath but avoids her daughter's eyes. This isn't just a question; she wants me to get married...

'I uh... think it's okay... I guess.' A lame and unplanned response, so clever Bela.



'I want a proper answer mi hija.' Bela sighs and tries to formulate her words.

'It's cool, I mean I've not actually thought about but it-'

'So you don't mind me looking for a... ah what is that word?!' Maria gives a sour expression.

'Proposal?' Bela's squeaks and watches her mother nods excitedly.

'Si! Si! What do you think mi hija?' (Yes! Yes! What do you think my daughter?) She stares at Bela long and hard, her anxiety is about to get the best of her. Mama is so taken up, look at her face! She's smiling and her eyes are shining, if that's even possible. Bela you can't say no to her. Imagine how she'll feel? What about me? I've not even thought about marriage up until now! The poor girl is having a mental debate with herself, this only pushes Maria's buttons even more.

'I guess it couldn't hurt to look.' She finally answers, Maria drops her spoon and grabs her daughter in a bear hug.

'Oh, mi hija! Esas son buenas noticias! Ah I'm so happy for you.' (Oh my daughter! That's good news!) Bela can almost feel herheart drop to her stomach, what have I done? 'I will find you a nice handsome man, with a beard and he will be so tall mi hija! You just leave it to me. I will find the perfect one...' Bela tunes out, she can't hear anything anymore nor can she breathe steadily because the description her mother just narrated fits one person and one person alone. The only thing is, he's her boss and he's perfectly imperfect.   

Salam Alaykum! So here it is, I know it's been super long, forgive me :/ I'll try to be regular In Sha Allah! I hope you all enjoy the chapter, I wanted it to be perfect ;)Price_Is_Right thank you for the extra push to complete this fast :)  keep an eye out for the next chapter and news on my blog :D  please vote, comment and share!! Peace- zai x

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