My heart started speeding up tenfold. Surely I'm asleep right now. There's no way this is happening to me. I've never been told that I was delicious. Hell I've never even been told that I was hot. So surely at some point in the room I fell asleep and ended up in this dream . . . right?

With a loud sigh he leaned his head back against the elevator closing his eyes. "I shouldn't be saying these things to you, but you've pushed me so far past my limit tonight I can't stop. Hell, you've pushed me past the limit since I first laid eyes on you. You're practically a sin, walking around messing up my mind all the time. It drives me insane."

I don't know why that made my heart speed up in joy. It was highly inappropriate. Not like it mattered at this point.

"And when his hands are on you," he balled his hand into a tight fist and pressed it against his forehead. "Christ, I almost lost my job."

I still didn't know what to say. It's almost as if he's talking to himself more than me. I wondered just how much he drank earlier.

"I should stop. I really should," he opened his eyes to look at the elevator slowly making its way up.

We were almost to his floor when I realized I wasn't ready for him to leave. And when the door notified us that we had arrived my heart dropped in my stomach. As I watched Jasper push off the wall to head out I panicked and I said the first thing that came to my mind.

"What if I don't want you to stop?"

He froze midstep, half his body inside the elevator and half out. Slowly he turned to look at me, his face did nothing to hide his surprised expression. "What did you say?"

I bit my lower lip trying to find the boldness I had earlier. Perhaps I was treading on thin ice, but I knew what I wanted and I wasn't going to deprive myself any longer. Besides he made it very clear that he wanted me just as much. So why am I fighting this? Sure it was wrong and goes against all my morals, but it's not like this would happen again. For far too long I've watched opportunities go by and for far too long I've let them.

Therefore, tonight, regardless of the consequences, I'm going to feed into my desires.

"I said," I took a step closer mustering up as much confidence as I could, "what if I don't want you to stop?"

He looked like he was going to explode right then and there. I had definitely struck a chord.

"You," he stuck his arm out to push the door back as it tried to close, "what are you asking me for?"

"You're a smart man, Dr. Andrews," I was now directly in front of him, so much so that he had to crane his neck downwards to look at me. "Figure it out."

Like a violin string being wound too tight, he snapped.

A second later I was pinned against the elevator walls trapped by Dr. Andrews arms on either side. This was so wrong, and yet when he leaned in closer to my face, his mouth inches from mine, I didn't push him away. My heart thrummed in my chest for all sorts of reasons. Shock, confusion, but most importantly excitement. Behind us the door started to finally close.

"Last chance to back out Ms. Miller," he lowered his face to the crook of my neck, his nose skimming it up and down slowly, breathing me in. With every word he said his hot breath grazed my skin. Unlike Aaron, I shivered with delight. "Because once I start, I won't hold back."

Wrong wrong wrong a small part of my mind kept telling me, and yet my body felt electricity course through it with each touch. And I wanted more. Lots more.

I tilted my head in a way that my lips were level to his ear. "Didn't you hear me before? I don't want you to stop."

"As you wish," he growled.

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