Chapter 13

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“FUCK!” I screamed jolting slightly on the table as Bex squeezed my hand.

“Come on Lauren! If you can handle this you can handle Harry.” She winked and all I managed was a grimace feeling the wax smoothing over my mound before the Spanish woman applied the cloth and ripped it. It sent my body clenching again and Bex laughed.

“Jesus Christ this hurts so bad.” I whined feeling the throb. She squeezed my hand appreciatively and watched me wince with the next removal of hair.

“You excited?” She winked and I managed a small smile.

“You’re ridiculous.” I laughed although the fluttering in my stomach hadn’t subsided all day. She had offered to take me to her waxing salon during my lunch break which I now deeply regretted.


I stood on his doorstep freezing my ass off anxiously waiting for him to answer the door. He had sent Zayn to drive me to which Zayn had winked and laughed then not made anymore comments about the subject. It dawned on me during the ride to his flat, why exactly I was going to his place if he said he was working late. When I asked Zayn he told me that Harry was working from home.

The door clicked and flicked and suddenly it was swung open and a smug looking Harry was in front of me. “Hi babe.” He said stepping to the side and letting me in. He helped me out of my jacket and I inhaled deeply smelling garlic and pepper in the air.

“It smells delicious.” His white jumper made his skin glow and his curls looked softer than usual. He had a pair of dark jeans on that fit him like a glove. I smiled turning around and hugging his torso as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. He pecked my nose and squeezed me into him looking happier than I had ever seen him. “How long have you been home?” I asked as he walked me backwards and into the kitchen. I could hear water boiling and the aroma was much stronger.

“About an hour or so, I was making us dinner.” He released me and turned his back to stir and add spices and such to the pots on the stove. He opened the oven and I watched his strong back muscles as he slid a loaf of garlic bread in. I felt dread wash over me at how bad my breath was going to smell once we-

“Oh, so that’s why Zayn drove me here.” I pushed the thought aside. He nodded as he continued to stir and release more creamy scents into the air. We didn’t say anything else as he continued to make our meal and my stomach turned with anticipation of what was to come. For the past thirty hours I couldn’t get the thought out of my mind. It had been two years since my first and last time and I knew that I was in no way prepared. I fiddled mindlessly with the purple roses that sat in a clear vase in front of me.

“What are you thinking about?” I sat upright and focused on Harry who had placed a glass of red wine in front of me.

“Nothing.” I lied.

“We won’t do anything you don’t want to do.” He reassured me with a soft smile and I shook my head at how ludicrous I was being.

“I want to.” I said wrapping my hand around the neck of the glass.

“Don’t get to drunk on me, I want you to remember.” He winked causing me to roll my eyes but shift on my seat as well. I was growing impatient, I had thought about what tonight was going to be like and so far he was a proper gentleman.

We starred at each other over the low light candles. “This is quite romantic.” I complimented giving his hand a squeeze.

“I know, I know that it won’t be perfect, but I just want, I don’t want you to regret it.” He said stumbling over his words and blushing. It was the first time I had ever seen him so vulnerable. His guard was down and he was blushing for me.

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