Chapter 1

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“I hate parties.” I sulked as Becca threw her arm around my slim shoulders.

“Well lighten up and have a drink Lauren.” She said rolling her eyes before grasping my hand and leading me to the drink table. I looked around at all the open bottles thinking about how anyone at this party could easily drug something.

Bex had dragged me to a pointless house party and I was reluctant to go; I always drank more when I was uncomfortable. I took a capped cooler and Becca got a muscled man to my left to uncap it. He flirtatiously winked at her and I cringed back. He looked like a grade A douche bag, not that I would tell her. She gave him her number along with a short kiss to his cheek before grabbing my hand again.

I tried to keep my eyes averted as I scanned the room. My eyes caught to a boy standing in the corner. From the small glance I had of him, I observed that he was wearing a dark grey beanie and blue v neck with a silver pendant hanging just passed the dip. He wasn’t looking in my direction but I could see his shiny green eyes and the bob of his throat as he swallowed.

They continued to talk in hushed tones and her giggles sounded forced and too high pitched. I mentally gagged at how hard she was trying to win him over. I glanced back to see her arm on his bicep and her eyes flickering up and down. Sighing, I finished off my drink before grabbing another cooler.

I turned my head scanning the crowd out of pure boredom and saw him standing under a lamp. The light gave him an angelic glow and yet his hard jaw and fixed eyes made him look angry. He had his ankles crossed along with his forearms; he was like a statue- until our eyes connected. His eyes blinked slowly before the hard line that his lips formed was broken by his tongue sneaking out to moisten them. His lips soon turned up into a smirk as he beckoned me to him with a nod of his head.

“Go,” Bex encouraged suddenly interested and shoved me with her hip. I tripped uneasily steadying myself on a nearby drunk. I shot her a look before smacking straight into a hard body. Their hands wrapped around my shoulders before sliding down my arms and taking hold of the drink.

The words I tried to form were cut off when I made eye contact with the perpetrator. “Steady.” He hummed in amusement as my cheeks betrayed me and flushed. “Need some help with this?” He murmured low in my ear. I shook my head and tried to escape but his hand only clutched tighter around mine. “I wasn’t really asking.” His voice hardened.

He fumbled around in his pocket until he nodded to himself and pulled out a keychain. I looked at the half a dozen keys and say the silver bottle opener not daring to say a word. When he opened it he handed it to me with something of a wide smile. “You really ought to drink something stronger.” He advised. I gave him a tight lipped smile as I felt nauseas.

He was good looking, there was no denying that. But he was mysterious and that was worrisome. He watched me intently as my cheeks flared in embarrassment. I tried to walk away but he slipped his arm around my waist and held me into him. We leaned against the wall together and just observed everyone.

I could see Bex and her beau making out in the kitchen and a dozen other people dry humping on the dance floor. I took a nervous look up to Harry and his head was bopping along to the music. I felt his right hand brush down over the curve of my ass and jumped away sputtering on my drink.

“What the hell is bloody wrong with you!?” I questioned.

His eyes were wide as he laughed at me. “Calm down would you, I was just feeling.” He rolled his eyes and I huffed under my breath. The nerve of him. I didn’t even know him. I felt awkward and uncomfortable which had somehow caused me to guzzle the rest of my drink. I was lucky though, it didn’t have that big of an effect on me. But I knew I was a light weight, I knew I would be feeling warm and a little more laid back.

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