Cheptur 25 So much ouch

59 8 1


we gunna die

furst i will describe wer we r

we r in da end of da ravine

it was a circular place and it look laik dis:

it has laik random platforms frum da mineshaft, a bunch of random dark holes dat r also probably connected 2 da mineshaft, and for sum reesun it had torches                                                                                                                 

k rite so skeltun shoot again from laik a platform

but arrows r laik rain down

i still not kno wer dat thing is

now i think der r moar of dem

k so me and bob take cover wid dis litle wall he made wid grevel

bob eet food and giv sum 2 doge 2 regenerate sum hunger or helth or sumthin

i eet it

bob sei

we need a plan


doge sei

tell dat 2 him

k so bob thought of a plan

furst we find wer doze arrows are coming from and wun guy (me) tries 2 destract it and de oder guy (bob...ugh y duz he still sei 'sum guy' wen its kind of obvious on hoo duz wat) will go up and sass dat skeltun

or is dat assass

or assssasssinatad

anwei bob giv doge a helmet 2 wich i think is rlly pointless cuz if dei cant hit mai head den dei will hit mai butt and i wud rather get hit in da face dan in da butt

k so i run aroun again cuz its mai job aftur all

skeltun or skeltunS trie 2 hit doge

wun almost hit doge head but i hav helmet


but anoder almost hit doge butt

always da butt


well good thing dat skeltun not see bob making a blok tower dat go up

or maybe skeltun ignoar bob?

unfortenetly again i look at bob and da skeltun stahp and look too

den he trie 2 shoot bob

but bob duck


bob duck

um nevrmind so skeltun miss cuz i throw cobbelstoen at skeltun cuz me and bob now knows wer arrow is come from

it come from da secund highest platform

and bob is still laik 10 blocks awaei

den suddenly (so suspense) anoder arroe came frum nower

but dis arrow wuz on fire


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