Cheptur 14 So much holes

109 14 10

we eet dolan
he taste bad
i dunno y

bob sed dat he undercookd dolan
i just think dolan rlly taste bad
dat not mai problem
it dolans


shiet rong grammer

k so we eet nuggits
der sum left so we sell dem 2 hobos
(its in furst book)

so bob iz fool
i meen full

ok um so bob iz full so he get laik shovel and he go get sand
maybe he make sand casel

k so he get sand den he sei he make glass
i didnt kno u could make sand wid glass
or glass wid sand

um i think its da secund wun
he cook sand
and he eet it
he make glass wid sand
i think he smelt sand 2 make glass
i dunno
i dont care

k so um he dun make glass
so he make glass plate

glass pane

ya it glass pane
so he make glass pane and he fix broken windoe
(u dont wanna kno y it broke)

so rite he fix windoe
y i tell u dis?
u dont need 2 kno dis

k nevurmind da windoe stuff
so aftur we fix da windoe
bob sei we go mining
fuk bob

um anyway
bob grab supplies laik torchez and pikaxes and extra pikaxes and swords (sharp and pointy very ouch) and um food
most of de food wer dolan leftovers
very gross

k so wen we dun laik packing and shiet
doge and bob look 4 cave
it rlly hrd cuz it laik nite
we look 4 long taim
but i not look wer i go
so i fall in hole
dark and creepy
and i fel in wun
but dis hole wuz laik deep
i think it laik 9 blocks deep so wen doge fall
very ouch
much fuk
so hole

but laik dis hole haz lite in it
hole iz actually rlly well lit
der r torchez evrywer and laik moss and vines and other gross stuff

so i tell bob
but bob wuz still up
so i tell bob it safe 2 jump in2 hole

not rlly

bob jump in2 hole

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