Cheptur 6 Doge goes mining

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So rite its morning
bob sed he go to cave
i dunno y
maybe he liv der cuz he caveman
actually i dunno rlly
so he sed go mining in cave
i didnt kno u can mine in cave
i thought u can only do caving in caves
i not even sure if caving is a wurd
i dunno
so bob grab dis ting called pikax
and sum food and torches
den we go caving
bob look 4 cave
den aftur laik 20 yeers
we found wan
bob jump in
i not sure about dat so i ask
is dat safe

he say
not sure at all

so i just jump in cuz i dont care anymore
he make doge hold dis torch thing so i laik mad so i sei
if i burn up its ur fault

k so bob walk 4 a wile
he laik see dis rock wid sum stuff on it i think it called ore
i dunno
so he laik mine it wid de pikax
den aftur we laik got maybe 21 ore stuff
we go home
so he laik cook de ore stuff
or is dat smelt
so much stuff i dont remembur
so rite he smelt ore
den aftur dat
bob take from ore frum furnace
den it was laik dis iron bar
so he make iron pikax
i dunno y
maybe cuz its shinyer dan stone pikax
i dunno how 2 spel shinyer
dats not mai fault
den he laik
on nxt dei
we go faind daimonds

so i laik
lets faind starbux furst

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