"This is lovely. Thank you, Gem." Harry was feeling the material of the scarf she had given him.

"You're welcome. The scarf was just something I saw and thought you might like." Gemma shrugged modestly.

"Thank you for the pendant, Gemma. It's beautiful."

"You're welcome! An old man we met near Athens made the pendant. He his jewelry by hand. Your pendant is one of a kind! He used the Greek meander, which is that patterned border. Anyway, it reminded me of you."

"I love it."

Harry helped me clear the dishes and put them in the sink. He stepped around me and turned the water on and let it run over the dishes. He began rolling up his sleeves and reached for the dish soap.

"I'll do them, Harry, after Gemma leaves."

"I'll take care of them now. You can go talk to Gemma." He looked over to me and winked, "A little girl time would be good for you."

"Yeah," I scoffed. "Because I've been spending way too much time with you!"

"Whatever you say." As I turned to walk out of the kitchen, I felt the snap of a kitchen towel against the back of my thigh. I shot Harry a glare and he smirked as he flipped the towel up and rested it over his shoulder.

Gemma sat on one of the sofas with her legs tucked under her. She was thumbing through a fashion magazine I had left at Harry's house a few weeks ago. Her hair was pushed behind her ears and her lips were in a subtle pout as she focused on the pages.

"I love these black boots," she turned the page and pointed to a pair of boots a model was wearing.

"They are nice," I agreed. I sat on the sofa opposite her and put my feet up on the coffee table.

I expected Gemma to keep reading the magazine as we waited for Harry to finish the dishes, but she surprised me by putting the magazine back on the coffee table and giving her full attention to me. She smiled at me like I was an old friend and I wished I could return the favor.

"How have you been? With your headaches and such?" Her tone was perfectly sincere.

"I still get headaches, but they aren't as strong. I only get them every now and again."

"That's good. I was really worried about you, Kate. I had never seen you like that before. Have things gotten easier between you two?" Gemma gestured to the kitchen where Harry was whistling as he dried dishes.

It was a simple question with a complex answer. I picked at my fingernails for a moment and thought about how to respond. "I feel a lot better about being with him. Right after the incident, everything was just really weird. I woke up and some guy told me we were dating. But it has gotten a lot easier to be with him. We're still working on a lot of things because my memory hasn't returned, but I'd say things are better."

"I can't imagine waking up and having some guy say 'Hey, Gemma. We're in love.'" Gemma tipped her head back and laughed at how ridiculous it seemed. I, on the other hand, was trying to catch my breath. Gemma had said "in love." Was she hinting that Harry and I were in love? Were we in love? I shook my head and decided I was overanalyzing the situation.

"Ladies," Harry walked back in the room and sat down on the sofa beside me. He put his feet up on the coffee table and put his arm across the back of the sofa. "What have I missed?"

"Not much," Gemma said. "I just asked Kate if things have gotten easier between you two."

Harry looked over at me with raised eyebrows. I gave a small shrug and he cleared his throat. "I'd say they have."

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