"Erm, what do you think you would follow that spell with in the clinic?" she asked Malfoy.

Malfoy was arching an eyebrow at John but turned when she spoke. "Well, if I've got this right, it looks like you do have an imbalance. Hmmm... I think I would test your magical balances first."

"What about the basic functions of the other systems?" Hermione argued. "Why the magical one first? It's part of this almost blind view of the magical culture-"

"Granger, calm down. You don't look in physical distress- well, other than getting worked up about the 'blindness of our culture.'" Hermione's mouth twitched but he continued, "Our lives are saturated by magic. Might as well rule it out at the very least."

"Ooh, he's got you there, Hermione!" John cracked.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Yes, thank you, John."

"Ready, Granger?" Malfoy had his hand on his wand.

Hermione inhaled then nodded.

He performed the spell. He cocked his head and started muttering over his book again. "If I keep practicing on you, I'll never know what normal is, Granger."

"But you get to see what abnormal is," Hermione reasoned. "Actually try out some clinical reasoning."

"You're still taking those potions, aren't you?"

Hermione shrugged. "So?"

"Prolonged potion use can affect your magic."

"I know, Malfoy, I was in that class too. That's why I'm taking potions to counteract it."

Malfoy ran his fingers through his hair and raised an eyebrow but continued their previous line of conversation. "So, potions explain the magical imbalances, mostly. Ready for the next one?"

And so Malfoy ran through the various diagnostics spells as Hermione patiently sat through them. Each time, Malfoy would warn her before lifting his wand. Slowly, Hermione's heart stopped pounding each time his wand was pointed at her. She could feel the tightness in her chest slowly loosening.

He ran through the healing spells after that. None of them were very complex but it was difficult to produce them properly without the ailment.

In the middle of one of the spells, Hermione interrupted, "No, no, that's not how you do it. There was intention there. How do you expect it to actually affect a person's-"

"How do you know my intentions, Granger?" Malfoy retorted as he flipped his wand in his fingers. "Want a tour of my head?"

"With all the room your ego takes up, I don't think I'd fit."

"Ah, you're right. All that hair sure wouldn't."

"Now, listen-"

"Switch!" John yelled cheerfully.

Hermione and Malfoy paused to look up.

"Partners," John clarified. "Let's switch partners."

"Are you sure?" Hermione asked.

"Ah, well, Shandra said it would be good practice for the exam," John said with a little laugh.

Shandra smiled blandly at all of them.

"Draco, my man, show me all your secrets," John said cheerfully.

Hermione switched desks to sit across from Shandra. "Is it alright if I start?" Hermione asked.

Because she had watched Malfoy and had gone into lengthy conversations about the spells, Hermione made quick work of the spells and it only took her a few tries to iron out even the more difficult ones.

"I guess they don't call you the 'Brightest Witch of her Age' for nothing," Shandra said admiringly.

"And it sells," Hermione added. "Nothing like one of the Golden Trio's own personal titles to catch the eye."

"Hmm... maybe that's part of it, but I just saw you in action. So, what was Draco's title in school? He never talks about it."

"Git," Hermione deadpanned. She saw Malfoy's head tilt in their direction.

"Git? No way was his nickname git," Shandra scoffed.

"Oh, you're right. There were generally expletives sprinkled in as well."

Hermione heard Malfoy snort.

"But surely if someone said 'The Git' nobody knew who you were talking about."

"It was a pretty easy to guess if you were given two chances," Hermione said.

Shandra pursed her lips and her eyebrows scrunched down. "Draco, is she really telling the truth?"

Malfoy shrugged. "I'd say git was one of the tamer titles I was given."

"What did you call her?"

"Swotty Gryffindor Princess, Bushy-haired-"

Hermione held a hand up. "I don't want to hear it, Malfoy."

"I haven't even gotten to the best ones."

"Just finish the spell practice, guys," Hermione groaned, turning back to Shandra.

Shandra leaned forward and tilted her face away from the boys. "So, finally seen how good Malfoy is?"

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "You have very little comprehension of the situation, Shandra."

Shandra merely gave her a look from underneath her eyelashes.

"Really," Hermione affirmed in the face of Shandra's skepticism. "Anyway, can you come to the Wizard Children's Club on Friday?"

Shandra agreed and they started hammering out details until the librarian came and told them to leave.

"We weren't being that loud," John complained.

"It's closing time," corrected Hermione. "We've been here for hours!" She was cut off by a huge yawn.

"Don't forget about Daryn's Halloween gig this weekend!" Shandra called as they lined up to use the floos.

Everyone assented and left for their apartments.

Hermione expected to come home and fall into her bed exhausted. Instead she came home to Luna running past her frantically.

"Luna? Luna what's wrong?"

"There are reports of a rash of Tiyanak sightings along the coast!" Luna called over her shoulder as she pushed various vials into her bag.

"But it's almost ten o' clock! You don't have to check it out right away, do you?"

"It's actually really important, Hermione. Tiyanak often follow the presence of Dementors."

"Dementors?" Hermione took a moment to catch her breath. "I've never heard of that. Are you sure?"

Luna didn't bother replying and zipped up her bag. Luna tucked her hair back and then caught sight of Hermione's face.

"There have been no Dementor sightings, Hermione," she said gently. "It's important to check this, but you aren't in danger."

Hermione tried to smile. Luna pulled Hermione into a quick half-hug and then was gone through the floo.

"Dementors," Hermione muttered to herself. "No... It can't be. There haven't been any reports. No unusual killings in the news. We're fine. I'm fine." Still, her hands were shaking.

It took a long time to fall asleep that night.

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