Chapter 15- One perv and the prince or princess

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"Wanna ditch?"

Oh so he's bad boy. The thing is it's the first day and I don't want to screw up.

"Come on it will be fun!" he urged.

"Fine" I gave in.

I mean if you were in that class you'd understand.

"Let's go beautiful," he winked.

I winked back, if Ezra can move on why can I? But little did I know this was another mistake to add to my never ending list of mistakes.
He pulled onto a club.

"Come on! Dance!" Allen yelled due to the loud music in the club.I looked around to see my surrounding, the place was filled with sweating teens and adults. Girls trying to dance in heels while some guys stood around while others danced drunkly. Couples try to dance, the girls will grind while the guys just touch. A lot if hook ups for sure. Allen grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance floor, he started dancing to a and Britney Spears song... Scream and Shout. Allen handed a red cup to me and winked,

"The party is always more fun with this."

I looked down on to my cup and saw beer sloshing around in my cup. Classy.

"I shouldn't," I insisted. First I ditched class then I go to a club the least I can do is not get wasted. Also because its bad for the baby.

"No problem, don't want to make you do anything you don't want to do."

Awww what a gentleman, this just might be the beginning of a beautiful friendship or maybe just maybe a relationship, fingers crossed.

"Lets go and DANCE!" he whooped.
I shrugged and started dancing with him ie. awkwardly bouncing to the beat. But as a pregnant lady I got tired awfully quick.

"You look tired, want something to drink?" He asked.

"Yes please," I nodded. I waited patiently as I drummed my fingers against the table to the beat and watched the others around me dance.

"A drink for the lady," Allen said as he handed me a cup of coke. I took a big greedy sip from my cup, something was wrong, there was no sweet and fizzy feeling in my mouth instead there was a weird bitter taste.
My mind swirled, something wasn't right about this. I tried to stand up from the table but it was pointless as I stood up and almost fell.Allen wrapped his hands against my waist and caught me from falling.

"Woah, I got you. How about I take you outside."

"Yeah that would be a good idea," I said in agreement but I'm pretty sure it sound like Yeappp thzzat vou bee as grood rdea.

It felt like eternity but he finally got me outside.

"Okay how about I get you to my car." Allen whispered as his hand slowly slid towards my lower region as in my butt and gave it a small squeeze.All of a sudden Allen didn't seem like ideal gentleman that I thought he was. I slowly shrugged him off and slowly regaining my stability.

"Actually I can just walk to the college and pick up my car." I politely said.

"No, come with me," he urged and suddenly his hand was clamped to my wrist and he pinned me to his car.

"Allen what are you doing?!" I yelled.

He looked deep into my eyes "I want you," he growled.

"Please get off of me!" I plead but it was no use as he started to smother me with kisses. I felt him ripping my sleeves. Where was everyone? Why can't no one hear me!? Allen pressed his hand against my stomach really hard. My heart skipped a beat. My baby, he is hurting my baby!

"I'm pregnant for god sake Allen, please get off of me!" He ignored me and continued. This is it, I'm ruined. He was going to rape me and there's no one to help me.
Hey I told you I wasn't dead, but I am kind of disappointed. I know I said I'll post every Sunday. But I can't always, I'm hoping you guys understand that. I've lost a lot of followers since I haven't updated but I am sorry but please don't hate on me. So what will happen Aria, will the baby be okay... read soon and find out! Happy reading

🎂Cake for all my followers!

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