Chapter 4- Friends can help me breath

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"Emily!!!" I cried as gave her the biggest hug I can possibly give.

"I've missed you Aria," she said as she broke away from my hug.

I let her in and sat beside her on the couch. She looked at my stomach and then back at me.

"Emily, don't look at me like that." I said with slight horror.

"No, well it's just that you don't look pregnant." She said slowly.

"I'm only two months, you can't tell"

"You've been pregnant for 2 months as you've kept it a secret!" Emily said with a hurt tone.

"No I just found out yesterday."

"How about we go to a doctor. Have you told Ezra?"

"No! And I'm not planning on telling him anytime soon either."

"Aria, I know things were are hard between you two but maybe it's time to forgive him." Emily suggested.

"Em it's not that easy, are you getting back with Sara anytime soon?!" I shot back.

Emily's eyes grew wide, then quickly saddened. I couldn't believe what I just said.

"Emily I'm so sorry, I didn't mean that ,I'm such a bitch." I said as I slap myself in the head.

Emily grabbed my hand and looked in my eyes "You are not a bitch, you are a smart beautiful girl. Don't you ever forget that. You'll be a great mom."

I looked into her eyes and felt something tingle in stomach like butterflies. I felt something but I couldn't put my finger to it. Something in Emily's eyes made me feel like soft in the inside. I couldn't quite tell what it was. After a moment or two I looked away.

"Um I s-should get ready, we can go to the doctor." I said.

"Um... yeah cool" she said returning back to herself.

I went into the shower, as started to rinse my hair, I looked at my hands, my hands felt warm from her hands. I smiled to myself. I turned off the tap and wrapped a towel. I laid out my clothing, jeans, a pink blouse with a warm black cardigan. My towel fell from it place into the floor, I bent over and picked it back up and just when I was about to wrap it again the door swung open.

"Oh my god, what the hell" I screamed in fear. Then I realized it was Emily.
She looked down and saw my breast and quickly looked back up.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" she blushed.
"It's okay" I whispered suddenly feeling shy.

Emily closed the door and left. I quickly got dress and put some make up on and left the room.

"Well it took you long enough," she said in a joking way, seemingly forgetting about the incident that took place like 15 minutes ago.

"Ready to go?" She asked.

I took a deep breath, "Yeah, it's now or never.".

We drove on nearest doctor's office which is 15 minutes away. On my way, I couldn't help but feel bad for what I said to Emily.

"Emily?" I said.

"Hmmm" she said lost in her world.

"I'm so sorry," I said " I really am, I'm so sorry."

Emily put her hand over mine which on my lap and squeezed my hand.

"I don't want you to say that you're sorry ever again." she said.

Funny Ezra said that... then we had sex...

She continued to hold my hand all the way until we reached the office. Neither of us pulled our hands away.

Well then, here you go first 4 chapters of Take care of me and Kim Fitz. Hope you're enjoying it so far because I'm having a lot of fun writing it. I can I just get this out there I LOVE PRETTY LITTLE LIARS So I hope you guys like it so Vote,comment, follow and SHARE! Since sharing is caring ;)!!!! Hopefully by the next chapter I have 50 views. Here's a little thing to keep you looking forward to the next chapter. Another character from PLL is coming and this person is going to stay for a while here are 3 clues.

1. It's a male
2. He's hot

Any guesses?

Until next time :) see you soon

Supermonkey2134 💋🙈🙊
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