I arrived back at our flat and let myself in. When I walked into the living room I was surprised to find none other than Jenny sitting curled up on the sofa.

"Oh, hey Jenny," I said casually as I sat down beside her, "you're just the person I'm looking for."

"Hi Jay. Sorry I'm here, waiting for Nathan y'know? He gave me a spare key. Do you have any idea when he'll be back?"

"Err no, I don't sorry." I said to her, god she had amazing dark blue eyes, oh and her hair, long and black and glossy and - Jenny interrupted me,

"Why are you looking at me like that? And why were you looking for me anyway? Don't you want Saffron." She snorted at the end.

"Well, Jenny, you see the thing is, I'm so sorry. But I found out today that Nathan secretly really likes Saffron," I kept going as I  saw the surprise and horror appear on Jenny's face, she was falling for this, "and then, I popped along to Starbucks to get myself a drink and there they were, sitting at a table together - kissing. I broke up with Saffron then and there and told them both what dirty, cheating, horrible people they were and left." That was part of the truth I suppose, I just elaborated a little. The reaction from Jenny though was exactly what I'd hoped for. She looked hurt at first, but then her eyes hardened.

"I should've known," she said softly, "I always suspected there was something going on between them,"

"But at least we have each other now," I said,

"What do you mean?" Jenny questioned. Instead of answering, I showed her. I pulled her across to me and then began kissing her. She was taken by surprise at first but then went along with me and kissed me back. God, kissing her felt so different than when Saff and I had kissed. With Jenny I felt something, something strange yet exciting, which made me want more. It was as if when we touched there was a fireworks display errupting inside of me. In the background I heard the back door open and close - that must be Nathan back. Good, everything was going how I planned.

"Jay! What the hell are you doing?" I heard Nathan's angry and shocked voice call out. Jenny and I quickly broke apart, although she stayed close to me.

"I want to hurt you as much as you've hurt me." I said bluntly. I could see tears on the verge of spilling from Nathan's eyes. But I didn't feel any sympathy for him at all.

"Jenny...why?" He then turned to her,

"You know why." She shot back. "Jay explained everything."

"You don't honestly believe him do you?" Nathan asked, shocked,

"Jay is the only one I can trust. With you going around behind my back and making out with Saffron its only right for me to feel suspicous."

"You seriously think that's what has gone on?"

Jenny nodded.

"I don't believe this," Nathan sighed with frustration, then he turned to me, "how could you lie about something like this?"

I smirked.

"Wait...what?" Jenny questioned.

"Oh my god." Nathan said, "did it not occur to you Jenny, that Jay would lie about a thing like this? Well here's the truth, Jay lied about whatever story you heard from him about me and Saff because earlier today Saff broke up with him because she didn't love him as a boyfriend but just as a friend and she didn't want to lead him on. Saff then came to tell me that she really liked me. I was shocked yes, but I apologised to her because I said I loved you. Although now I'm not so sure seeing as you're the one who goes around behind people's backs and snogging the face off your boyfriend's best mate! You know what, make that ex-boyfriend." Nathan concluded. Wow. I hadn't expected that from him. I looked over at Jenny. She wasn't crying, but she was upset.

"Nath! Nath wait I'm sorry I-" She tried to say,

"Shh, the phone's ringing. We can discuss this later." Nathan said with a hard edge to his voice. Nathan then picked up the phone.

"Hello? Tanya?"

I heard the muffled sound of Tanya's voice crackling through the speaker held to Nathan's ear.

"Oh shit." He said,

"What is it? What's happened?" I asked, but he signaled for me to be quiet.

Something really, really bad just happened. I could tell. Nathan's face paled as he listened to Tanya rambling on.

"Ok." He finally said, "alright, I'm just coming. Hang on." Then he ended the call.

"What's happened?" I asked again, as Nathan sat heavily down on the sofa beside me and put his head in his hands, "Nath, mate, what is it?" I forgot all that had happened between us and put it all behind. He looked as if he'd seen a ghost. "Nathan?"

As Nathan slowly lifted his head I saw tears streaming down his face.

"Its Saffron." He managed to choke out. A slice of fear and dread rippled through my body at those words. "Its Saffron," he said again, "she's been hit by a car."

A/N: anndd there's the next chapter! Once again hope you all enjoyed it. OOh and there was more drama ;) please comment what you think though guys haha hardly anyone everrrr comments and I like to receive feedback. Thank you (again) for reading!

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