Chapter 10

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**Saffron's POV**

I literally ran out of Starbucks, I didn't want Nathan to see the tears that were threatening to spill from my eyes. I don't know why I was so sad. I knew that he wouldn't say he liked me. But I guess there was a part of me that, deep down, that was hoping he'd say something different.

There was a slight rain coming on as I left, nothing more than a drizzle. The autumn afternoon was coming to a close, the light was beginning to fade into darkness and I could see a mist starting to settle in around me as I walked through the streets. My flat wasn't that far away, but I still quickened my pace. I just wanted to be home so I could curl up on my sofa and cry. And cry and cry and cry. I had lost everything today. Trust in people, good friends and my job. I got a slight shiver down my spine as I crossed a particular darkening part of the street. I whipped around in caution. I don't know why. I just had a feeling that there was someone behind me. But there wasn't.

For god's sake Saffron! I told myself, I'm becoming far too paranoid. But as I entered a narrow, dark alleyway which would lead me towards the part of town where my apartment was - I could feel all the hairs on my neck stand up. I glanced down at my arms and drew back my jumper sleeve, I could see I had goosebumps all over. This was strange, I wasn't even cold. I'd never experienced something like this before. My breathing quickened with my pace, I've never been so eager to just be at home - nice and safe. I don't know why, but I felt scared. But then as I walked on, I found out why.

A dark silhouette stepped out of the shadows in front of me, making me jump slightly. He just stood there, not uttering a word.

"E-excuse me, I-I need to get past please," I said, as bravely as I could, but I heard a slight shake in my voice, and so did he.

"Hey, hey, hey," the man said softly, "you don't need to be afraid of me." As he spoke he began to walk slowly towards me, and I could see that once he stopped, when we were inches away from touching each other, he had the darkest eyes I've ever seen, they were dangerous - glinting with spite and evil. They reminded me of a snake.

"What is a pretty young thing such as yourself doing out here all on her own?" He almost hissed, ignoring his question I tried to get away again,

"I'm sorry but I really do need to go home. I'm...I'm meeting up with someone." I lied, and then tried to push past him. But the 'snake man' caught me by surprise. With quick reflexes, he took hold of my arm in his grasp, and wouldn't let go.

"Oh no, you're not going anywhere just yet," he said in a dangerous whisper, bringing his head right next down to mine, I could see the stubble on his face and smell the cheap alcohol on his breath. Without thinking, I brought up the arm that was free and that was holding on to my bag, and hit him sqaure in the head. He let go of my arm and I heard him swear, bellowing out a string of abuse at me, but I couldn't make out what he was saying properly, because I was pushing past him again and running away. And running and running and running.

Was he following me? I wasn't sure. But I kept on going just incase. I didn't know whether that was his footsteps chasing after me or if I was just hearing my own. There was a terrible pounding noise in my head though, and my vision was beginning to cloud, grey patches were appearing in the corners of my eyes. But I kept running. I could see the end of the alleyway coming into view. Nearly there, I tried to tell myself, but I was still panicking.

I reached the end. But I kept on running. Right out onto the road. The mist was heavier now. I couldn't see a thing. Apart from a car's headlights, shining dimly in the light, and advancing ever quicker towards me.

**Jay's POV**

 As I walked away from Nathan I was so angry. I was fuming. I don't think I've ever felt like this before in my life. But then again I've never been hurt as much before. I can't believe I have to share a flat with him. How will I be able to live with him now? But I've made up my mind. I'm going to hurt him as much as he and Saff hurt me. We'll see if he really loves Jenny after this. This'll put him to the test.

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