"Hide the stuff under my bed."

We both tried to quickly hide the stuff under her bed.

"What y'all in here doing?"

"Nothing." Sata smiled.

"What y'all put under the bed?"

"Nut-ting." I said and kicked the picture under the bed.

Pop-pop looked at me then came in the room and went under the bed.

"Aw Man."

I said as he pulled out our materials.

"Bab-E 4 Sal." Pop-pop read the sign.

"What is this?"

"Auggie trying to sell Miri." Sata told on me.

"Unh-unh. Tattle tail." I ran out the room crying.

August POV -

"Auggie what's wrong?" He was laying on his bed crying.

"Tell me what's wrong man?"

"Sata got a big mouf." He yelled out. "Me wanna sale her too."

"What are you talking about sale? What's got you worked up?"

"What's going on?" Amb came to the door.

"I don't know. Give me Miri. Check on him." I took Miri from Amb and went back in the room. I had just came from work and I was tired and hungry, let her deal with that.

Amber POV -

"What's wrong A3?" I patted his back.

"Hmf. Leave me alone." He scooted away from me.


"Me not your friend no more mommy." He wiped his nose.

"What's wrong baby?" I picked him up and sat him on my lap. He folded his arms and pouted.

"You mad at mommy."

He shook his head yes.


"You no like me no more. "

"What? Mommy loves you baby."

"Unh-unh you no...no play with me no more since Miri. And you no treat me like your favorite man."

I was afraid this was going to happen and the day has arrived. 😩

"Auggie Miri's a baby he can't do anything by himself."

"Me a baby too!" He huffed and puff. His eyes red and tears streaming.

"You right you are my baby, but you're also mommy's big boy."

"Me no wanna be a big boy. Me want to be your favorite man."

"You are baby. And mommy sorry for not spending more time with you okay?"

"Okay." He hiccuped from crying.

"And mommy going to make every Friday, mommy and Auggie day. So every Friday, just me and you do something. Starting tomorrow. Okay?"


"Stop working yourself up. Just because Mommy is with Miri, doesn't mean she doesn't love you. Mommy still loves you more than anything in this world and she still wants her million kisses." I kissed him all over his face. He giggled wildly.

"You still mommy favorite man?"

He shook his head yes.

"Gimme a kiss."

He gave me a kiss.

"You want to sleep with me, pop-pop and Miri?"

He shook his head yes.

"Okay come on." I grabbed his hand and we went into the room.

Aug was eating talking to Sata on the bed. Miri was sleep in his crib.

"Daddy why?"
Sata pouted.

"What she talking bout?"

"I want to go to Disney World for my birthday but daddy being a meanie." Sata folded her arms.

"Is that suppose to make me change my mind? That little pout." Aug laughed.

Sata laid on his chest and cried. "Now imma have the worse birthday."

She was so dramatic.😂

"Girl be quiet. We gon go." He told her.

"Really?" She sat up and looked at him.

"No." He laughed.

"Stop playing daddy this is important to me. Imma be 7."

"A whole 7?"

"Yes. And can we invite O?"

"I'll see."

"Please daddy. It will be the bestest birthday ever."

"I will see."

"Imma ask you everyday." She warned.

I sighed. Jesus Christ we had the most spoiled kids on the planet.

Lawd I hope Miri is not like that. 😩

Life After Marriage Book 3Where stories live. Discover now