chapter one

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Louis' small frame stood, yelling and screaming. "Run! Run! Yes! Goal!" He yelled as loud as he could over the voices of the people beside him. The team on the pitch all huddled together, creating a blur of blue and gold, chanting "Ain't no party like a cougar party, 'cause the cougar party don't stop!" repetitively, causing the stands to chant along as well. Everyone was jumping around the petite boy as he raced his way down to the pitch, running on, along with some other boyfriends and girlfriends to their respective partners.

Louis ran into Stan's spread arms, his grin getting wider and wider. "Congratulations, love!" Louis squealed, hugging his boy tightly. Stan's grip loosened and Louis was left alone. Stan was no where in sight. Maybe he'd gone off to the bathroom.

Louis' brother, Liam was the next person to come over to Louis, hugging his small brothers body and picking him up happily. "We won the championship, LouLou!" Liam's voice was deep, much deeper than Louis' but not as deep as Harry Styles.

Louis liked to think Harry liked him as a friend at least a little bit.

Louis and Harry went way back. To the time when they were in diapers. Actually, Liam was Harry's best friend. But being a twin, you got the opportunity to take any friend as your own, right?

"Good job on the last goal, Harry!" Louis tried. Harry shot him a glare. "Don't interrupt our conversation. Got it?"

Louis head dropped. "Yes, Harry." He mumbled. Louis waited for Harry and Liam to be done with their conversation before tapping on Liam's shoulder, asking if they could get frozen yogurt with the team.

"Yeah, Lou. You can join. I'm driving Niall there so you think Stan could take you?"

Louis nodded, smiling at the thought of his boyfriend. Louis followed closely behind Harry and Liam before parting ways declaring he'd see them in a few and walking towards Stan's car. Sweat was still glistening on his forehead and his lips were puffy.

Louis could tell this wasn't from soccer but he stayed silent, not wanting to argue with the boy. The car ride was comfortably silent, music playing softly but no conversation filling the car. When they pulled into You Say When Yogurt Mountain, the local frozen yogurt shop, Stan immediately smiled seeing his team occupying the large booths.

Everyone patted Stan on the back, making their fingers unlace from each other.

Louis walked over to the cups, grabbing a small one and mixing Raspberry and Birthday cake. He topped his with a couple strawberries, pineapples, and a small spoonful of sprinkles before putting his on the scale next to everyone else's. He saw a variety of flavors and colors on the small scale, laughing at the fact that the weight said 200.4 g. with everyone's on it.

"Who's is this?" Harry, who was the one paying, asked, holding up Louis' cup which was the smallest compared to all the others.

Louis looked down and slowly raised his hand. The shop had become silent, everyone curious on what was happening. "C'Mon Lou! Why so little? Go get yourself some more toppings or something. We want to break the record of 202!"

Louis shyly put more of everything he already had and set it back down on the scale. At the sight of 204.5 g. on the weight, everyone cheered and quickly grabbed their frozen yogurt, returning back to the seats and chatting with their friends.

Louis saw four more yogurt cups on the scale. He picked up his own, recognizing Stan's and wondering who else's was left. He assumed one was Harry's and Liam's judging by the realization that the two boys were talking to the cashier, trying to separate cash and coins to pay for everyone's treat.

Stan came up behind Louis, grabbing his then observing Louis' yogurt. "That's a little much, don't you think Lou?" Stan asked, slowly. Louis looked down at his yogurt. He got a small cup and his weighed the least so no, he didn't think it was too much. But Stan might have thought otherwise. Louis wasn't sure what "too much" meant in the terms of frozen yogurt but maybe he did have a little "too much."

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