XXX. Lincoln

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There was relief in the fact that Gwen was getting stronger.

Problem was, round two went to me, even if this spar was longer than the last one. And the guilt wasn't going away anytime soon. I reached out to help her up, pulling on her and catching the signs of pain when she winced as she bent her curled body straight. "Look, maybe we should stop, okay? I get that you don't want to, but..." Now that Oryn and Dana left, I ran to grab the ice pack for her, hoping I would get myself across if I looked like Matthew for once. "Point is--"

She sat down, looking at me like I had no idea what I was trying to say. Breathing deeply, she began to say something. "I'm fine. The fact that I'm not exactly used to it doesn't give me the reason not to try to." A protest was on its way to counter her, until she continued. "Besides it wouldn't be fair if you continued to know nothing of what I do. Or for you to have to worry over me like I can't stand."

So that was what it was about. "You know, you didn't have to make a deal to tell me anything, especially one like this. And the whole hovering over you--I didn't exactly have someone there to explain things to me, so I figured I'd give you a hand. It's not something you can get over and as partners, we have but one choice--work." Grabbing my shoes, I slipped them on as Gwen got rid of the ice around her side, blocking my path before I could leave early this time.

And she looked flustered. "All right, so you may have a good point there. But is it so bad that I want to do it?"

"No, just give my conscious a warning before you do." We stepped in harmony as she stood in the doorframe. "What are you doing?"

"Asking you for another spar." Shocker--adding food to an already full plate.

"Why?" Great. And I'm the idiot who knows the answer to the question. Except I didn't because when she couldn't answer, we stood there hearing the crickets chirp. And I had to add that it was very comfortable.

"I did ask you to teach me." Touché.

While I stood there frozen by her answer, the thought of doing anything for the rest of day did hit me. My schedule was free and the one important thing I had to do was check on our mission status for the rest of the week. So that meant that my time either could be to lounge around my room for four hours doing nothing, or try to give this stubborn partner of mine a few pointers. Where was Alex when I needed him to make a choice for me? Crossing my arms, and looking down at Gwen, I gave up trying to make an indecisive fight and threw my shoes across the room for a real one. "They need to pay me for this," I muttered, stepping on the mat again.

She was almost too pleased for the answer and followed my moves, getting her emotionless stance ready. "Are you on the balls of your feet?" Nodding, I moved around the perimeter of the mat at her signal, flexing my fists by curling and unfurling my fingers. My head swung back a bit to ask her to attack first, almost getting my nose caved in by a high kick I didn't expect--I mean, she wasn't exactly tall, either.

And before the chance to trap it came, she slammed back down and placed distance between us. "Well, that's one way to catch someone off guard." When she added a punch and another kick, I got the chance to use my speed to catch her leg in midair. "Nice speed, but someone could easily shrug it off if it's not potent. That punch could've easily been stronger and just as quick by just stretching your arm from the elbow. And your foot from the knee."

When I attacked her from one moment to the next, her blocking needed some improvement. With a one handed block, I paused and eyed her posture. "Keep your feet pointed towards me, in case I leave myself open to you." We moved again. "Strong hand. You're leaving your side open, though, have your arm shield it."

The Second (The Immortal Prophecies: Book I) Where stories live. Discover now