XIX. Guenevere

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It's real. I heard the words come out of his mouth, breathless, almost with fear.

But even on my own terms, I still couldn't seem to open my eyes to believe it myself. The air in my lungs was already knocked out from the new force the mirror gained, and I had a feeling it had to do with my sole decision and timing. The dirt I ate was proof enough I still wasn't dreaming, yet it didn't stop me from doubting.

Get on with it, Guenevere, Lincoln already had a good look at the place, so you bloody well better do the same.

"How real?" I asked, feeling idiotic, afraid, unreal. My breathing sounded like that of a worn hound, perhaps worse, catching Lincoln's attention. I felt him kneel with me, hands around my shoulders, causing me to jerk.

"That real," he said, still out of breath from the experience. He slid his hands down to reach mine, encasing them with his that were ecstatic, but surprisingly warm, popping my eyes wide open. Seeing his face was like watching a child relive Christmas over again, his head turning back and forth to take in the sights in one inhale. And my was it a sight to see. Mesmerizing, but overwhelming. Touching the grass, I felt nothing but prickly blades piercing my skin, flowing with my movements, the earth swallowing my fingers for a taste of its own. I felt such energy course through me in those treasured moments, coursing in me like fresh water to a parched tongue.

While he used his vision to good use, I listened for anything unusual, meeting the forest with the sound of the wind rushing in between the leaves of the trees, birds chirping, wings fluttering. There was a stream splashing with life somewhere, and it all sounded...genuine. The air I breathed rejoiced in my lungs, though it was something I hadn't breathed before, the wind caressing my cheek.

"You've come back, my dear," I heard it murmur in my ears. I gasped, remembering that same voice in my dream. A man. Searching for my partner, he had taken the liberty in wandering around, finding the road to Camelot (my maggots it isn't the first time something that unbelievable left my tongue. It won't be the last.), acting as if he heard nothing. And there was no one here with us to prove it, either. Had I imagined it? Reaching for the necklaces, I held them in my hand tightly, like it would summon protection.

"Gwen, you might want to take a look at this, too," Lincoln called out to me, staring afar at an area beyond the forest. I trudged cautiously over, watching to see if I was right about us being alone, seeing what had my partner so caught up. A quick flash of my memories played like a movie before me, matching the pace of the scene I was living.

There were villagers moving around like bees in a hive, bustling around like it was another ordinary day in their kingdom. Their kingdom. Like my many repeats of dreams where I walked among them. The only difference now was that I was dressed for the occasion. "This real," I breathed. "Was it ever this--" It came out before I could bite my tongue.

"Capable of a heart attack? I'm not gonna lie, yeah. Believe me when I say I'm as scared as you are right now." He stared down the town and it's surrealism, like we had stepped through a painting. The urge to tell him about my dreams leading up until now was becoming a bit strong, but it wasn't the right time nor location to say anything. I gripped a side of the cloak in worry, grateful for the chill in the air.

"But that's a new level of insane," he continued, pointing across the village to bring into the spotlight...the castle. From the distance we were at, I could just see the ledge I had tried to hide behind, its height greater than I last checked. I had to go back there, that was where king and queen stayed for a majority of their lives, but it didn't help that I felt drawn to into it after my visits there. Glancing at Lincoln, he looked like it was the most daunting thing he's looked at, and I wasn't far from that feeling either. But I've had far too much experience with that feeling, and I wasn't about let it dictate me once more, however powerful its grip was on me. Hesitating, I began to walk, not sure if I was truly going the right way, waiting for him to follow or do something but stand there.

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