VIII. Lincoln

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"I'm guessing things didn't go as you planned, did they?" Alex asked me as I gave my life to the laptop in front of me.

"No, it was great, really. She only did fight with me and ended up storming off. Nothing out of the ordinary," I said back.

"It's a good thing you don't sound pissed, Linc. Come on, she couldn't have been that bad--she's as harmless as air."

"Harmless?" I looked up from the screen. "You already forgot the ass whooping you received? I'll have to ask her how she hits you that hard so I can do the same when I want," I joked.

"I'd gladly talk to her for you, you know. Besides it's not like you haven't already experienced a hot headed chick before." He coughed. "Emma."

I rolled my eyes. "True, but even she wasn't like her. Don't go all sacrificial on me either, Alex--spare yourself."

He let himself fall, taking over my couch bed. "You act like girl, man. What are you looking at?"

"Nothing important," to you, I said, keeping the last part to myself. I was, however, caving in to my own curiosity that probably rubbed off from Gwen--research on the not-so-legend English King Arthur and his myths that were told by, according to Google, Geoffrey of Monmouth in the twelfth century, six to seven hundred years after the king's rule. Led battle against Saxons, folklore, Queen Guinevere--I found that to be more than just luck that they had the same name, one letter in difference. But I had to agree with Gwen, it was too hard to swallow, even if there was a small chance they could have existed--literally or based off of actual people.

"A few A's in your record and already you're acting smart. Wanna do conspiracies with me next week while you're at it?" I swiped back my hand fast enough to smack him in his nose, grinning when he made some sort of sound resembling pain. He didn't fail to return the favor at the back of my head.

"Funny," I said, rubbing my head. "That's more that you have, which if I remember Ava's words correctly, isn't the only thing, either."

"Says the one of us who's still a virgin and can't really compare," he countered, not missing a beat. I stopped scrolling on the computer and pushed my chair away from the desk, turning towards him. While he basked in his victorious comeback, I narrowed my eyes, hoping I didn't look as embarrassed as I knew I was.

Man, right in the dignity.

"Low blow--real low. Second one of the day, congrats." At least the attention was off my tab.

"Better late than never. Wait. Hold on, is that what this is all about? What did Red say to you?"

"I'll repeat it for your sake." He turned his head up, ready to listen. "Nothing important." I turned the wooden piece of furniture back to the laptop, continuing my search, sensing his distaste at my answer. All I could do was smile at my victory.

"Pushover. Seriously, what's up? You've been staring at that laptop like you would an essay the night before it was due. Or the way I do when I can't decide what to eat between two good options."

I rubbed my face, sighing, acting like a pushover we both knew I was and giving in to my cousin. It's not like he wasn't going to believe me, the kid always had my back. "I'm just doing some research--"

"No, shit. I thought that with that Wikipedia article in front of your face, you'd be looking for useless handbags online like my mom," he snorted.

"--on something that's bothering both 'Red' and me. Something Dimitri did earlier that caused the Hawk herself to claw at me with her talons. I thought I'd dive a bit further into it for our sake," I continued, ignoring his accurate comment about Aunt Phyllis.

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