We remain quiet again for a few seconds before I giggle.

"We haven't seen each other for two weeks and that's all we have to say"

"Well, I spent the last two weeks laid down on a hospital bed, so there's not much to say about that" he chuckles, revealing his dimples. Jeez, I missed seeing his dimples. Looks like the last time he smiled was four weeks ago, before this whole thing.

"Rightttt..." I bite my lips nervously, wondering if I should talk to him about what happened earlier when he left my flat after seeing Ben. But quickly, he answers my thoughts.

"I went to your flat earlier..." The smile disappear from his face and he breaks the eye contact to turn around and focus on the river again. I don't speak and wait for him to continue.

"I thought that Ben and you were ... In a relationship. He was at your house while I've been told that you didn't want to see anyone lately and I know that you two got very close this last month. I know you like him and after everything you told me recently, even though it was to protect me and the others..."

"Harry..." I sigh and turn to face him, but his eyes don't meet mine.

"No, let me finish please"

This time, he drops his gaze into mine. It's harsh but calm at the same time and I nod to gesture him to continue.

"But then I came here, to think straight and I thought about what you told me every day when you came to the hospital. You told me the most beautiful things ever, and you came every single day, even though it was difficult for you to move with your broken rib. After what you told me, I couldn't doubt your love for me. And I know that what I saw at your flat wasn't what I think it was; you probably have a good explanation."

He shoots me a smile and I sigh in relief.

"You remember what I told you at the hospital ? You could hear me ?"

"Every single word. You have no idea how horrible it was to be laid down next to you and listen to you without being able to take you in my arms or to talk to you to reassure you."

He focuses on the river again and a frown appears on his beautiful face, showing me that he's been through hell during those last two weeks.


"You don't have to justify yourself. I trust you."

"I still want to. Ben slept at my flat yesterday night ..."

He gulps at the words but stays silent and tries to avoid my gaze. He trusts me but I can see on his face that he's scared of hearing what happened.

"... Only because he had lost his keys and was stuck outside. I didn't want to see anyone but I couldn't turn my back to my friends either. So I accommodated him for the night and when you came by, I was taking my shower and he had just woken up and, since he had no pyjamas, he was wearing his boxers for the night. End of story."

I can see the relief on his face and he tries to hide the smirk that is pulling at his lips.

"I will never feel anything for him more than friendship. For him or for anybody else. It's you Harry. It has always been and it will always be you. You're my only one, my everything and I won't let anything separate the two of us. I love you too much for that."

"Jeez I love you so much. What have you done to me"

He grins before dropping his sparkling green eyes into mine and crashing his lips against my mouth. The feeling is immediately familiar and soothing, even if we haven't kissed for a month. His lips have that usual taste of mint and cherry because of the chewing gum he always chews. I push my tongue against his lips and run my hand through his hair while he presses me against the tree.

"I missed you so much" I say as we kiss, making him moan.

His lips start to trail down my neck and his soaked curls softly skim my cheeks, making me shiver.

"You're cold ?" he asks, but it's more of an statement than a question. He pulls away and I grab him by the collar to make him stay close to me, not wanting to break this moment when we finally met again.

"No, I'm not, you're keeping me warm"

"C'mon, I can see you're freezing. Why are you even dressed like this ?"

I look at my outfit: I'm only wearing a tank top and shorts. The last time I properly went outside was two weeks ago and it was very warm and sunny. I couldn't have guessed that it would be that cold at the end of July.

"I had to find you, I didn't have time to change"

He shoots me a smile before taking off his black coat and putting it on my shoulders.

"I don't want you to catch a cold" he says then pulls me into a hug and rubs my back to warm me.

"Th-Thank you" I shiver.

"You look hot when you're soaked like this" He smirks and I playfully roll my eyes.

"Shut up"

"Wet hair and see through shirt, I like it"

He smirks again and pulls removes some strands of my hair that were flattened on my forehead.

"Pervert" I shot him a grin and he chuckles before placing a kiss on my forehead. Then I grab his hand and we both start walking towards the exit of the park.

During the walk, I can't help glancing at him every five seconds until he catches me staring.

"What ?" He raises his eyebrows and his eyes meet mine but I immediately look away.

"Nothing" I lie, trying to hide my smirk.

"I don't believe you."

"Fineee. I'm just so happy to have you back and I can't believe that you're actually here with me so I check on you every five seconds to make sure I'm not dreaming. It's stupid,  I know" I giggle but look down, a little bit embarrassed.

"Aaww, you're scared that I disappeared, how cute" He chuckles, revealing his dimples again. His tone is teasing and I know he's making fun of me. I pout and gently push him, making him laugh even more.

"C'mon, come here" he says opening his arms. I fondle against his chest and he wraps his left arm around my shoulder, putting a kiss on the top of my head as we keep walking.

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