A great awakening

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Hiccup's POV

My head is spinning like crazy, I think to myself. I don't know where I am. For some reason I can't feel my foot- Oh wait, I lost that a long time ago. So why am I complaining?

I lift my head a little bit to look at my surroundings but it's too dark to see much of anything. I have to wait a minute for my eyes to adjust some but it doesn't help much.

I can see faint trees and bushes surrounding me on all sides with my eyes barely adjusting to the dark. I may be in a forest as far as I can tell.

My body aches, it hurts to move my body in any way. Just thinking about it hurts. I feel like I did a hard workout without stretching the night before. With a lot of pain and aches, I force myself to sit up.

As my eyes adjust to the darkness even more than before, I see small figures moving around through the leaves of the trees like they were jumping from branch to branch. I almost assumed they were monkeys but they look like blobs from this distance.

I can only make out slight details: black bodies, yellow eyes, four legs, and a trail of dust behind it. They definitely aren't monkeys. The only thing it could be are nightmares. What else would have a trail behind them?

I force myself to stand up from my sitting position. My eyes continue to adjust to the darkness while I get a full picture of the place. I was right about the forest. I look up to see no moon or stars in the sky and I realize that's why it's a completely black place. This place feels unnatural.

I begin walking through the forest hoping to find a way out and back to civilization. From there, I can find my way back to North's palace.

I walk for a minute or so to find myself on a dirt path in the middle of the forest. I decide to follow it since it would be my best bet. If it's here, people must have walked on the trail.

Above me, more and more nightmares circle above me, jumping from tree to tree, branch to branch. Unnatural behavior for them to be jumping instead of flying but this may be an unnatural place since it would be too dark for the normal world.

I continue on the path for several minutes before I'm left to a fork in the path with a sign in the middle. On the top sign, it says "Welcome." On the other sign, it says "Newcomer" like it expects people to get lost.

I choose the "Welcome" path on the left of the fork and continue on my way. As soon as I start walking down the path, the activity of the nightmares increased almost instantly. They start scattering amongst the treetops faster and more excited then before.

I turn around to go on the other path but I only see a straight path in place of where the fork used to be. The forest is messing with me and the nightmares like it.

After I realize the forest changed, the nightmares start dive bombing me. They jump down on top of me and jump back up to the trees. They continue to jump from the trees onto me and back until I reach a sharp turn. As soon as I turn the corner, the diving stops and they sit still in the trees.

Odd behavior... Why are they acting this way?

I continue walking down the path and a few yards away I find another sharp turn. As I turn the corner, I find a big black castle in a field unlike the forest I'm in now.

The nightmares jump from the trees and gallop to the castle.

If they're going there, I'm turning back around. I think as I walk back to the corner. I walk the path until I turn the first corner of the path and find myself facing the same castle again.

Nightmares run from the castle heading straight for me. Without hesitation, I bolt in the other direction taking the turns again only to find myself facing the castle once again.

The nightmares are moving closer and closer every second I waste. I decide to try and run through the forest outsmarting the changing scenery.

I run for several minutes until I find a cabin in a small clearing. Thinking it safe front he nightmares, I run up to the door and knock repeatedly.

The door opens by itself and, not thinking about what could be inside, run inside and lock the door behind me. I put my ear up to the door to listen for nightmares.

"So, you've finally decided to drop in for a visit." A voice from behind me says in a singsong voice. I freeze where I stand.

I cautiously turn around to find Pitch sitting on a black throne with a few nightmares standing beside him. There's a gray light shining over Pitch and barely enough light to see the rest of the room.

"It's been a while Hiccup. Why don't we have a chat?"

The last part of this book. Thanks for reading book 2 of the ROTG fanfics! I'm debating on whether or not to write another one but I left a cliffhanger If I decide I will.

A huge thanks to all of you who kept reading through! Hope to see you all in my next book!

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