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Back at North's palace, everything is beautifully decorated and there are toys and yetis everywhere even though it's summer time in Burgess. North likes to start Christmas early.

"Alright comrades! Let's start this celebration!" He lifts his hands in the air and immediately the elves start playing tiny instruments.

The yetis come closer to the group of guardians and smile with... Their beards, I guess. The elves who weren't playing an instrument were smiling with missing teeth or huge gaps. Cute, but Tooth probably went bat-crazy by now.

Jack brings out a big book and hands it to North. I could have sworn Jack was sitting between Hiccup and I.

After Jack hands North the book, he stands right beside North and just smirks. I mouth to Jack, What's this about?

Jack mouths back, You'll have to see. I promise you'll like it. I give him a face that says 'really?'

"'Tis time you took oath to be guardian." North says as he opens the book and flips through the pages, I look at Jack. He puts a hand in his pocket and smirks.

North speaks up as he reads the oath, "Do you, Jacklene Frost, vow to protect the children of the world? For they are all that we are and will ever be?"

I look to all the guardians and they nod approvingly, even Bunny. I shake my head viciously, "Of course I will."

North slams the book shut, "Then it 'tis official, you are guardian!" He hands the book to Phil, the yeti, and picks me up. "Congratulations!" He kisses both cheeks and puts me down. Jack chuckles.

Toothless let's out a roar of excitement and wiggles his tail while knocking things to the floor. Hiccup hurries to pick them up as Jack flies over to help.

Tooth and Sandy fly over to me, "Congratulations Jacklene, we're both really happy you're a guardian now!" Tooth hugs me while Sandy tips a hat. They both wave as they fly to North.

I float over to Jack and Hiccup and pick up toys and paint that fell over. "You don't have to help Jacklene, it's okay."

I shake my head, "No, I can help." We continue to pick up the toys and paint until it's all off the floor. Some of the paint spilled onto the floor so now it's stained in a few spots.

"Hey North, some paint spilled on the floor. Sorry about that." I say even though I have nothing to be sorry about. North turns to face me, "'Tis alright, Yetis can clean it up.

One of the yetis raises an eyebrow, North gives the yeti a funny look and turns back to me.

"So, a few moments being guardian, how does it feel? Good, no?"

I nod, "I feel great! Thank you North." He laughs, "Do not thank me, my friend, thank man in moon." I look to the gaping hole in the ceiling, "Thank you." I say to the man in the moon.

Only the guardians know I'm not crazy for talking to the moon. If I were you, I'd think I was crazy. But sometimes he talks back, so you can't call me crazy.

"Hey, come on! It's a party!" Hiccup says and pats my back, "No need to get all sappy on us. Let's celebrate!"

Just our luck, we hear a loud thud from around the corner. Everyone turns their heads that direction. Toothless pops his head up and looks around.

"Toothless, buddy, what is it?" Hiccup asks.

Toothless looks at Hiccup a split second then turns back to the noise. He jumps up and runs around the corner. "Toothless!" Hiccup yells and hobbles after him since he can't run correctly.

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