Who's the enemy?

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Jack falls to the ground and I float down safely. He lands pretty hard on his back, I hear a snap like he landed on a branch. When he rolls to his side, I see his staff broken in two. He isn't going to be much use now.

"Jackie, what a surprise!" A deep male voice says, I turn to find Pitch hanging withing the shadows. The darkness disappears and we all suddenly appear in a forest. Jack coughs wildly, I'm surprised he isn't coughing up blood.

"So, you managed to get Hiccup back and you brought Jack too? I'm impressed. This was our plan all along. All of our friends have been reunited once again." Pitch really likes to talk... He needs to say something useful once in a while.

"Pitch," Jack coughs harshly before continuing, "What are you talking about? No one here is your friend, what did you do with Hiccup?" He goes into a coughing rage, kinda feel sorry for him but I don't know why.

"Jackie, you did what Raven asked of you correct?" Pitch asks, I nod. He was there when Raven asked me. "Excellent! I would have done it myself but Jack here would have sensed my presence. Well done." Pitch seems to be talking like Jack's the enemy, not a lost friend.

"Pitch, what do we intend to do with him and Hiccup?" I need more evidence, I believe he isn't the man he's said to be.

"We intend to bring them back to who they were, they were like you and me. Full of darkness, fear, hatred. It was a beautiful friendship! The five of us, it was wonderful!" He's lying...

"Jack, get up." I kick him hard but not too hard. Instead he just rolls to his side, "Jacklene, stop. This isn't you." He whispers loud enough for me to hear.

"Stop confusing me! You idiot!" I kick him again, "Easy, he's still our friend." Pitch says out of the blue. "Shut up, you've been lying to me this whole time haven't you! Haven't you?!" I scream at him. He looks shocked, I'm guessing he wasn't expecting that.

Jack looks at me. Though he still lays on his side, he goes into a coughing fit again. Besides for Jack's coughing, all is silent. But before Jack finishes coughing, we hear a roar in the distance, we all jump out of our skins.

I fly up high in the sky to see what caused the roar and I see Hiccup on a black dragon. He's finally awake, I wave to him so he'll help me, possibly. Instead of a friendly hello, I get blasted at by the dragon, it misses luckily and hits the top of a tree.

"Hiccup!" I scream, but that only gets me another blast. This time it hits me straight in the stomach. I fall to the ground and hit my head. All goes dark.

I open my eyes moments after I land. I'm still in the forest, but instead of Pitch and Hiccup being here, I just see Jack standing where he was lying. "Jacklene," he says with a worried look, "I promise you we're not the enemy here. Pitch has manipulated you somehow. Nightmare sand, it's in your system and it spread like crazy throughout your whole body. You're not you."

"Stop talking to me. Raven was the first person to ever rescue me from the likes of you. Pitch was the second person I saw. I believe them more than you."

I stand up and look around, "Where's my staff?" He shrugs, "I don't have mine either. Maybe you just have to trust me." He takes a few steps closer to me, "Stop right there." He doesn't, but continues walking.

"Jacklene, please come back to us. The guardians were searching high and low for you and Hiccup." Jack is only a few feet away.

"I don't even know you, why should I trust you?" I question.

He walks straight up to me and stops, "You do know me and you know you can trust me. If you didn't, I wouldn't be right here in front of you." He says,

I opened my mouth to speak, but Jack does the unthinkable. Our lips collide in an oddly perfect way.

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