Jackie's decision

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One tap of my staff

Two taps of my staff

Three taps of my staff

I put my head down, my hands holding the staff where it last hit the floor. My eyes open and the room looks different. I look up to see Hiccup, he looks more confused then ever.

In the corner of the room where I saw Raven, darkness spreads across the wall and floor and it spreads throughout the room.

"Jacklene? Hiccup?" We hear outside the door. Hiccup opens his mouth to speak, but he's shocked because no words come out. I look at him, "I'm sorry, Hiccup, forgive me."

I stand up and walk to the middle of the room. The darkness spreads to the middle, covering the floor which I stand on. Hiccup looks wide eyed at me, by now the darkness has spread almost to where Hiccup sits.

Hiccup leaps out of the chair and onto the bed. The darkness covers the chair, it now looks like it was black. Everything the darkness touches turns black. Besides for me, Hiccup may or may not turn black. I hope he doesn't, I would never forgive myself.

The lower half of the bed turns black, the darkness slows down. Hiccup leaps off the bed and stands in the corner, he looks terrified.

I'm a horrible person... I think. A single tear rolls down my cheek.

The darkness finally encircles him, covering what's left of the floor and walls. Hiccup didn't get engulfed by darkness.

We hear a laugh from within the darkness. The room changes, we could see only the outlines of the objects, but now they completely dissapear. All that's left (and how we can tell it's a room) is the walls, ceiling, and floor.

The room is pitch black but Hiccup and I can see each other perfectly.

Raven comes out of the corner closest to Hiccup and I. The corner to Hiccup's left.

"Well done, Jackie. I almost thought you wouldn't do it. I'm glad you did it so quickly." Raven says to me, I put my head down.

Hiccup looks at me, "Jacklene, you sided with her? With Raven?"

Without lifting my head I say "I didn't side with her, I had to make a difficult choice, okay? It's not like I wanted things to go this way."

"You could have chosen something different."

Raven rolls her eyes, I reply, "No I couldn't have."

Raven looks at both of us, "Enough chit chat, Hiccup, time to go."

Hiccup turns pale, I keep my head down but turn away. Tears roll down my cheeks.

"J-Jacklene! Help me, please! Don't do this!" Hiccup screams.

"She traded you Hiccup, she isn't a friend anymore." Raven says with complete hatred.

I turn to look at them, Raven has Hiccup in her arms, holding a good grip on both of his arms.

"I'm sorry Hiccup, don't take it personally. I lost my guardians, I don't want you to lose yours. Keep that in mind."

They step back into the shadows, "Jackie please!" Hiccup and Raven disappear into the darkness. I'm left alone with my deed that's done. It cannot be undone.

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