Let the bodies hit the floor

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+Pic of Chanel #3

(Chanel Orbelin's POV)

I have not told any of the other chanels what occurred during my little time with dean.

Its pretty safe to say that my reputation is O-V-E-R forever, whatever I will do whatever it takes to make sure these peasants don't humiliate me.

Staring into my mirror, I pick out a piece of gum from my Gucci silver 2015 edition hand bug and pop it into my mouth.

Chewing on it slowly as I put my hair in an elegant braided bun. Time to look sexy and put on a show.

Ugh this gum taste like shit. I'm never buying stride ever again.

(Chanel #3 POV)

Walking around slowly, giving everyone their margaritas. What does this mean? I'm bored.

So fucking bored, like I can't believe I was put on Beverage duty. Everyone rushing for kappa kappa tau is in the living/dining room.

I walk towards a group of girls who look almost as pretty as me, ALMOST. I'm not that nice.

They look towards me and begin to smile cheerfully as the eye the drinks on the platter I am holding.

"Don't get too excited bitches, they aren't diet" I reply as I hand them their drinks and strut away. I look over to Chanel #2, seeing that she is currently making friendly chat with some other pledges.

Good girl.

I'm interrupted from my thoughts as I hear the main entrance door bell ring. "I'll get it ladies" I announce as I set down the platter and walk towards to door.

My 6 inch heals tapping against the marble floor. I reach for the handle of the door and open it to reveal two ladies, one of them having the haircut of a lesbian and the other who needs...serious fashion sense.

My god what is that hideous skirt.

"How may I help you ladies?" I ask politely as I lean against the door. The lesbo is the one to answer.

"I am Cathy Munsch and this is Gigi, I happen to be the Dean of Wallace University, we just came by to check out how kappa kappa tau rushing is going."

She announces with a stern voice, walking inside. Oh shit, didn't she wanted to see Chanel earlier?

Following behind them swiftly with a curious, yet worried look plastered onto my face, they walk to the center of the dining room.

Cathy stops for a bit to reach down for a margarita and sips on it. I stand next to Chanel #5 with my arms crossed as I await to see what is happening.

"Ladies, ladies, ladies, may I have your attention please!" She says with a smirk playing on her red lipstick applied lips.

Narrowing my eyes I look at Chanel #5 to see that she is confused also yet she looks worried.

"This year, Kappa Kappa Tau, for the first time ever, will be required to accept anyone who wants to become a pledge!"

Oh my god! What did she just say?! I hear a blood curling scream right next to me, with wide eyes, I direct my attention to Chanel #5 as she is screaming out loud.

I look over around the room as I see girls begin to leave, obviously not happy with the sudden change in rules.

"You cant do this!" Chanel #5 screams at the dean. Uh I think she can, she's the fucking dean. "Oh but yes I can" the dean replies as she sips on the margarita some more.

Angrily, Chanel #5 walks towards the stairs, practically stomping at every step, to what I'm guessing, heading to Chanel's room.

(Chanel #5 POV)

That evil bitch! I can't believe she is doing that to us. I've never hated someone so much in my life, until now.

Being brought back from my thoughts I swiftly make my way through chanels room to where she is getting ready.

"Chanel we have a problem!" I announce as I move around her private staircase.

Turning her head around, she glares at me through her mascara covered eyes and replies with venom in her voice.

"You didn't knock #5, now you gotta do what I said you have to do when you break a rule". Rolling my eyes, I bring my hand up and smack myself as hard as I can in the cheek. Fuck! I mentally scream.

"Thank you, now what is it?" she asks.
"You have to come down stairs...now!" I stare at her.

(Chanel Orbelin POV)

This bitch was not kidding. She was actually serious about doing this to us.

How dare she have the nerve to think she could do this to us. Walking down the stairs, I see Chanels # 2 and 3 looking at me with pissed off expressions on their faces.

As soon as I am down the stairs, I head towards to see who is still here, followed by the other chanels.

"This is who is here..."
We have a girl with a neck brace named Hester on her name card.

Her hair looks frizzy and she looks like she has not showered in days. Then there is a girl who sort of like an uglier version of Taylor Swift, except from what I have heard around campus, she is deaf...oh yay.

Id rather have her head cut off than to look at her for another day. Then there is this girl or what I'm guessing is a girl.

She looks like a fucking malicious lesbian.

Don't even get me started on the African American girl that is talking to the woman with the god ugly skirt.

I narrow my eyes as I hear the doorbell ring, rushing down the halls to see the dean standing in front of the door.

"Chanel I would like you to meet somebody, this here is Jennifer" she announces as she opens the door to reveal a chubby girl with glasses and oily curly hair. Oh hell no.

"I'm sorry but we don't work for the make a wish foundation"

I reply sourly as I glare daggers at the girl.

"She is here to become a pledge" The Dean Cathy says.

"She was sitting in the library when I found her, and decided for her to make some friends, tell us what you do. " The dean asks her.

"I'm a air freshener blogger" she replies with a high pitch voice that has a lisp.

"A what?!" Not even realizing the other chanels are here, I hear a loud thump to see Chanel #2 passed out on the floor.

Oh shit she fainted.

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