Its Pledging Time Ladies

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+Pic Is Zayday

(Zayday's POV)

"Come on Grace hurry up! We don't want to be late for the pledging celebration!" I yell at her from our dorm bathroom as I set my toothbrush down, rinsing my mouth with water.

"I know I know! I just want to look good you know? It will be our first time being in a sorority since we are both freshman!"

She hollers back, probably from the closet she has been for the past hour and a half, trying to pick out an outfit. I don't understand why she is trying so hard to look good.

She is so beautiful and funny the way she is...

Sighing, I look into the mirror staring at my reflection. I wonder If I can do something else with my ha-FUCKING A. WHY DO I HAVE TO HAVE A PIMPLE OUT OF ALL THE DAYS THIS ONE?!

"Grrrr...." I growl to myself as I begin to put a bit of foundation over it. There...

"I'm ready!" Grace yells, entering the bathroom. I take a look at her outfit and it is simple yet cute.

Black Vans, with black leggings and a simple cream colored sweater. "Nice outfit" I reply sticking my tounge out at her.

"Let's get going before we get our tits cut off for being late. Pretty sure that would actually happen considering how sororities are."

I announce as I grab my purse and walk out the door. Grace slowly following behind me, giggling a bit at the comment I said. Nah...that wouldn't happen. My breasts are too valuable.

(Chanel #3 POV)

"I can't believe that slut had the nerve to talk to me like that. Like I was nothing to her! How dare she!"

Chanel screamed out loud as the chanels and I are in her room. In case you don't know.

This bitch is freaking out over the fact that she didn't get what she wanted. No offense but she is kind of a attention whore.

"Chanel maybe you should calm down a bit, you might break out a bit if you keep stress-"

"Did I ask for your opinion #5?!"

"Well I'm just saying, whenever you get mad or stressed out you tend to get more pimples than the pepperoni slices I see whenever you want pizza ordered!"

She replied back with hesitance spewing out of her lips. Giggles are heard coming from Chanel #2 and I.

Holy shit that is hilarious!

I bite my bottom lip trying to contain the giggles before something bad happens.

It didn't help much that Chanel's face was as red as my dark red colored nail polish.

"How dare you say that to me #5, get out of my room right now and you will not be having dinner with us you fatass if you keep it up!"

She screams at her face causing chanel #5 to cower away and leave the room. Slamming the door in the process, causing the door to rattle.

"Anybody else have smart comments to make?"

Chanel #2 and I shake our heads, hoping not to get yelled at.

She may be a bitch but I have to follow the bitch's orders.

"Good, now ladies, sadly the dean thinks it is a good idea that the sorority pledging system is to be changed. I for one am furious about this. Considering how pristine and precious this sorority is. This sorority, Kappa Kappa, will have to follow the rules or else, Kappa will soon be no more."

#2 and I gasp as we look at Chanel in surprise and shock.

That is so awful. Not. I don't really give a rats ass.

I is a tragic" she says as she flips her blonde curls behind her shoulder.

What a whore.

"Whoever decides to pledge kappa kappa tau, will sadly be allowed without our permission. As our duty we must give these new fresh meat a taste of how Kappa Is. Is that clear?"

She leans into our faces and yells.

"Yes Chanel" #2 and I respond.

" get out of my room, go prepare the celebration for the new sluts awaiting."

"Yes Chanel" we say as we walk out of her room.

"Be sure to tell Chanel #5 to quite acting like a snowhoe and actually follow directions and rules this time!" I hear Chanel scream from her room.

"Yeah Yeah Whatever..." I mutter.

(Chanel #5 POV)

I can't believe she said that to me. I was only trying to help but no. She is to good for that.

Watch as a big ass zit appears on her fucking nose because of how pissed she is. Its only a matter of hours before It begins to appear.

Sighing, I get off of my bed, grabbing my phone to check the time. 6:29. Shit I have to help get this house ready for the incoming pledges.

"Come Chanel #5 we have to put up decorations and set up food"

I hear Chanel #2 say behind my locked door. Her light, slightly accented voice piercing my ears.

She always was the sweetest of the group. Yet sometimes it gets in the way of her putting herself before others.

Which sadly doesn't happen at all since our main priority is Chanel. I believe #2 name's is Kat.

"Coming!" I yell as I stand up, exiting the room.

(Grace's POV)

On our way to the Kappa Kappa House we met up with some other girls. One girl's name is Hester I believe. She is currently wearing..what I believe is a neck brace?

Along with her are three other girls I don't recognize. One of them has a bow in her hair and kind of reminds me of Taylor Swift.

Another has no hair and looks like an Asian version of ruby rose. Kind of awesome. And the currently nibbling on her hair. Weird..

Zayday is standing right besides me as we are all waiting for the time to be 7:00. Right now it is 6:57. "You ready for this?" Zayday announces at me.

"Never been more ready" I reply smiling. Sadly that is a lie. I'm fucking terrified.

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