Only Slutty for Him

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The following day at the office was weird. I don't know if it was because of our awkward exchange when waking up in each other's arms or the awkward exchange when Jordan drove me to work and didn't know what to do with the hand he wasn't driving with. It was like over night Jordan had become even more awkward now that I had clearly shown physical interest. Aleks, James, Dex, and Aron were all outside when we arrived. Jordan payed no attention to them as he entered the building and I walked over to Aron while he was filming the others fight each other on roller boards. Aron and I had a rather silent friendship yet we understood each other. I sighed heavily which caused Aron to pull out my favorite flavor of a dum-dum which I gladly accepted. We understood each other very well.
Aleks rolled over to me and spun in circles, "Anything new?"
I grabbed his shoulders to stop his spinning and rolled my eyes, "Just that we clearly had a physical connection last night and now he's awkward and uninterested."
Aleks grabbed my hands and pulled me towards the group of spinning men, "He's not uninterested in you (Y/N) because 1. You're a catch and 2. Because he thinks you're a catch," my worrisome expression did not fade so he continued, "You said it yourself, he's awkward. He's like a little school girl with a crush on the hottest guy. Jordan Mathewson is an awkward little cat with a crush on you." I laughed at him and shook it off.
"Whatever you say. Anything new for you?" I smirked.
His face turned a shade of bright red, "I don't know what you mean."
He attempted to roll away but I caught him, "Oh you know exactly what I mean, scrublord."
He quickly stole a glance towards James who was now rolling in figure eights, "I'm pretty sure I don't, chumpgod."

Later that day I was sitting in my office editing a cs:go case unboxing when James and Aleks both walked into my office and shut the door. James eagerly pulled up a chair next to me as Aleks lingered behind. James turned my chair so that I was facing him when he said in almost a whisper, "Tell me right now what is going on between you and cat boy." I turned to Aleks making a clearly angry face as he mouthed the words 'I'm sorry'.
"I can't tell you about something that I don't understand to what you are referring," I faked a smile and turned back to my computer. He turned me back to him.
Aleks sighed, "He saw all of my texts to you last night, give it up." James proudly smirked as my fake smile faded.
"I honestly can't tell you what's happening because I don't know," I answered truthfully.
"We'll do you like him?" James pushed.
"Does he like you?"
"Aleks says so."
"Have you gotten too drunk and felt each other up yet?"
I made a disgusted face, "God, no. And why does that scenario sound so appealing to you two?" They both turned and shared a knowing glance of something I knew not of.
James cleared his throat, "Listen, no matter how much Aleks tells you that Jordan is weird and awkward and has a crush on you, you need to understand that Jordan isn't blind. The man can see you. He can see all that you have to offer. Trust me, even when you think he's not, he's looking anywhere he can. Don't get me wrong, I think he has sentimental feelings for you and shit like that but I also know that he wants to awkwardly bang you. I honestly notice him looking at you more than you notice him looking at you. And it's not like any look. It's not like the way Dex looks at me but it's like the way Aleks looks at me."
I raised an eyebrow as they both shared that glance again. Jordan suddenly walked in and shut the door behind him obviously not noticing anyone else was in the room. When he turned around he looked startled to see everyone. He gulped rather loudly as everyone in the room stared at him, "Hey, um, (Y/N) can I talk to you alone when you get the chance?" I quietly nodded my head as he waved at the others and departed. Aleks and James both turned their heads towards me slowly.
"He wants to fuck you," James whispered. I rolled my eyes again and turned towards my computer.
Aleks ran towards my desk and smacked his hands down, "He's right (Y/N)! You're going into a danger zone. There's no backing out now." James shushed him and sighed trying to comprehend what they thought was happening.
"You're going to go into his office and make out with him. Show him you mean business, show him you're sophisticated but also slutty," he paused for a second, "...but only slutty for him."

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