We Were Happening

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I went down to my car at eight o'clock and Jordan emerged from the office a couple minutes later as always. He chuckled at me while I was waiting aside my car for him, "You're not driving me to dinner."
I opened the passenger side door and smirked, "Oh yes I am." He raised an eyebrow at my sudden confidence and climbed inside. I asked him where he wanted to go but he wasn't giving in to choosing a place. We both decided it was getting really late so we would just go get a fancy fast food dinner. On the way we burst into song like we always used to. It had been awhile since we spent a lot of time together. Work had been stressful and we had been taking a lot of trips as of late. He smiled and sat his hand on top of mine. I pulled into a Del Taco parking lot as a joke but he quickly opened his door. I went out too and shut the door behind me. He was already walking towards the entrance and I yelled for him, "Jordan, what are you doing?"
He turned around and smiled, "I'm hungry, come on!" I sighed and followed him.
I waited alone in a booth while he ordered disgusting tacos. He came back a few minutes later with 5 tacos he knew he would hate.
"Jordan, you know those are gross, why don't you just let me cook you something?" I pleaded.
He smirked at me while unwrapping something that barely looked like food, "Are you suggesting we go back to your place?" I blushed and rolled my eyes. I felt my phone vibrate and realized I had received tons of texts from Aleks asking about what was going on and if I had grown a pair yet. I silenced my phone and looked back up at Jordan who looked very displeased from his recent bite of taco. I giggled as he put it back in the bag, "Tell Aleks his lunch is on me tomorrow," he lifted the bag up as we headed out quickly.
When we returned to the car Jordan threw the bag in the backseat and pushed me against the side of the car quickly. He twisted his fingers through my hair as he kissed me abruptly. Jordan was always cute but whenever he would show his dominance it drove me crazy.
When he released his lips from mine I bit my lip and asked, "What was that for?"
He smiled and moved to go through to his seat, "Sometimes I just can't hold it in, kitten."
It wasn't very far to my apartment but the whole ride there he thought of wild and random topics to discuss all while intertwining his fingers with mine. Even on the way up to my room he never let go. We sat on the couch as he kept talking and playing with my hair. My phone lit up and interrupted him. Aleks was now calling me not being patient at all as always. I quickly declined it cueing Jordan to go on. My phone lit up again and Jordan laughed, "I really think you should take that."
I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Trust me, I really think I shouldn't."
He raised an eyebrow and quickly stole my phone to answer himself, "Hello Aleksandr... She's right next to me... We're at her apartment... Oh no-... Aleksandr... I'm a gentleman Aleksandr... I think I can control myself... Okay buddy... Talk to you soon." I cringed at the one side of the conversation I heard. I could only imagine what Aleks said to him.
Jordan's cheeks flushed as he smiled, "So the things Aleks told me to do in that conversation I'm not going to do in case you understand what I'm getting at." I covered my eyes and nodded my head.
"I swear I never told him to tell you to do any of that," he grabbed my shoulders and chuckled at me.
"Don't worry (Y/N). I didn't assume you did. I just wanted you to know because I have mega feelings for you and would do that in a heartbeat but I want it to mean something more than it would now," even though his speech came out awkwardly I couldn't help but smile and feel flattered. In that moment I had two choices. The first choice was to go with my intellectual instinct or in this case my instinct. This instinct would cause me to confess my feelings for Jordan verbally and kiss him sweetly and part ways for the night. The second would be Aleks instinct, or, the thing Aleks would want to hear me say I did in the morning. This instinct would cause me to confess my feelings for Jordan through a very sloppy but passionate kiss. Unfortunately, I am not Aleks so it's wouldn't go terribly farther than sloppily kissing until falling asleep on top of each other.
I hesitated while looking into Jordan's beautiful eyes. I looked down at my phone which had went to sleep along with Aleks for the night. I took a deep breath as my heart pounded out of my chest while contemplating what to do. Aleks and I had been friends for so long that his method of thinking had finally winked it's way into my brain as I carried out his instinct and kissed Jordan without saying a word. Things heated up but we both knew we weren't ready for anything to happen seeing as no one even knew we were happening. We barely even knew we were happening.

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