My brother eyed me with hatred for a second, but then said, "why are you dressed so nicely today?"

"Well, good morning to you too." I said, jumping off of him.

"No, but seriously, all the guys are gonna stare at you with clothes like that. That average plain girl becoming fashionista superstar in a day is a bit...eye opening. Not that I'm complaining. You look nice. Who are you trying to look nice for, me?"

My brother is actually pretty famous because it was big news when the famous movie producer Nathaniel Wellfields and sucessful fashion designer Tiffany Winters had a son. He had a lot of attention since he was litle. I guess that's where he got his spunk and flirtyness. Even to his older, blood related sister!

I groaned as I shoved him and said, "If you don't get up, I won't give you a ride to school!"

"But I can't drive!"

"Exactly! So get your lazy ass moving!"

Cody (that's his name btw) groggily got up and I went downstairs to grab an apple. I sat watching the news and got bored after watching barely 2 minutes and 39 seconds. Seriously. I counted.

So instead, I checked and double checked if I had all my stuff. I did. So I decided to read until my brother was ready. Once he was, we drove off. I dropped him off on the middle school side of our school. "I'll pick you up at 3:30, k?"

"FIne. See you sis."

"Bye." I drove away, and parked on the high school side. I walked in the gate, and I noticed everyone staring. Just walk like there's nothing wrong. I told myself. I saw Brody standing by a wall, looking bored and ignoring all the girl's flirty looks. I waved at him, and his face lit up.

"Wow, you look really pretty today. Not that you never did, but you're just....especially sexy today." I smiled and put my arms around his neck. He put his arms around my hips, and we kissed. I felt stares on my back, but I ignored it. Our tongues met each other, and I could feel myself blushing, but I never broke the embrace. When I finally let go, he said, "Your kiss totally improved. Are you trying hard to impress me?" I playfully samcked him on the arm.

Romie giggled towards me when Brody left for his 1st class. I had study hall, so I sat next to Romie and opened up my Geography text book. I sighed, and slumped on the chair.

"You look really nice today. You should wear things like that everyday."

"Thanks." I said, feeling myself blush at the compliment.

She smiled at me, and I smiled back. We stared into our text books and fell into a comfortable silence. When the bell rang, I went to my geometry class after quickly hugging Romie and walked as fast as I can in my uncomfortable shoes.

Later on, I found Brody sitting alone on the corner of the cafeteria, so I walked over to him.

"Why aren't you sitting where we usually sit?" I asked, confused.

"I...just wanted to get away form those people. And closer to you..." He smiled a devious grin, and pulled me closer to him. I held the back of his head, while he wrapped his arms around my waist. I loved his kiss, It was warm and soft, but also sent a tingling feeling inside my guts, and it felt so nice. I smiled as he pulled me closer and his cool breath sent a chill down my body. I could smell his cologne and I kissed him one last time before I let go and ate my ceasar salad.

During history, Brody scooted closer to me and wrapped an arm around my waist. I smiled up at him and leaned my head on his shoulder. The teacher coughed, looking at us, like he was warning us that we should keep our distance respectfully farther away during school, so I tried scooting away, but Brody held me even tighter. I started blushing like a madman, and our teacher looked extremely awkward. I looked up at Brody, and he was grinning at me. I sighed as I looked around the class, and I knew many of them were staring at us. It was awkward, but nice. Our realtionship was so sweet, peaceful, but also a bit tingly, like I was being lightly electrocuted all the time...

Summer daydreamWhere stories live. Discover now