Chapter 7: Getting Through the Day

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Natsu's POV

"H-Hey put me down idiot." She tried getting down but I wouldn't let her.

We got to the car and off we went!

Lucy's POV

It was the next day and I had to get up to go to school.

I did the usual, a shower, brushed my teeth and hair, got dressed, and ate 2 pieces of toast.

I slipped my shoes, grabbed my backpack, and headed out.

The only thing I had to do today pretty much was getting through the day. I knew I would run into Lisanna, but I try to keep a low profile.

I walk to school because I only live 10 minutes away. I played on my phone until I saw the words. 'Fairy Tail High School Academy' I give in a huge sigh. "Here we go." I told myself

Of course I enter the door to be pushed by Lisanna. I dropped my books while Lisanna and her cheerleading squad were laughing at me.

I open my mouth about to say something but nothing came out.

"What was that? I didn't hear you?" I herd Lisanna tease in a mean way. I just picked up my books and walked away.

Before I could escape Lisanna tripped me causing my books to drop again and landing on my hands and knees.

"All you a useless piece of shit." Lisanna's words rung through my mind causing a stinging feeling. "Natsu is mine not yours mine! You got that!" Lisanna yelled and kicked me in the side making me go unbalanced and fall sideways from my hands and knees.

"Eh!" I whisper yelp.

I waited, laying on the ground not moving. I waited for her and her group to leave so I could get up.

The bell rang through my ears. They finally left and I got up. Everyone in the hallways has gone to their classrooms.

My hair shadowed my eyes as I gritted my teeth.

"Hey Luce!" I heard a voice.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" I ask him not making eye contact staring at the ground. "I should be asking you the same? What happened?" His voice smooth and calm. "N-Nothing." I said a bit too quickly.

Natsu sighed obviously knowing something happened but decided to leave it alone.

After a minute of science I walk past him. I start running through the halls fighting the urge to cry. Finally I made it to the girls' bathroom.

I look in the mirror laughing at myself.

"How pathetic can I get?" I ask myself.

I decided to skip class today and go for the next one.

I break down thinking about how useless I am.

---Time Skip---

"SHIT!" I curse to myself. "I'm late for the next class!" I yell in my head.

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