24.5.) Third Tries- Through Holly's Eyes

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“I said yes.”

“And I say no.”



I scowled at my fiancé and crossed my arms over my chest. “Why did you sign up if you weren’t even going to go?” I asked with raised eyebrows.

He laughed softly and took a step forward, towards me. “Because I didn’t think I’d actually get in.”

“Well, you did. So now you have to go.” I told him stubbornly.

“Well, I’m not going.” He told me, being just as stubborn as I am for once.

We were standing in our room at the moment, and Kale just got an ecstatic call from his dad, telling Kale that he got into an architecture program. He’d signed up for it at the beginning of sophomore year of college, apparently just for fun. At the beginning of the summer, the program leader people had informed Kale that he was one of the finalists to be able to get into the program, which was amazing and weirdly enough came as a shock to Kale, but not me. Because he’s so amazing.

However, the only problem with said program is that it’s in England, and it’s for a full semester of junior year. The second semester, which is four months and two weeks. That’s a long time, but this is a huge opportunity. And when Kale’s dad called, he’d informed Kale that he got accepted in. Now the problem was that Kale didn’t want to leave for that long. For me.

I didn’t want him to be gone for so long either, don’t get me wrong, but this was so amazing for him, he couldn’t miss out just because of me. And, because the people told him that he was a finalist at the beginning of the summer, I knew that he’d get accepted, so I’ve been spending as much time with him as possible since he’d be gone soon. I know I may have been overreacting because it was only four months, but we’ve never been apart for four months before. Well, okay, except for that one fiasco during senior year, but that doesn’t count. And, although, I was all but forcing him to go, I still didn’t want him to go in a way. But I wasn’t going to tell him that.

“It’s not worth it.” Kale told me matter of factly.

“It’s totally worth it, Kale.” I told him with a pout. “This is England.”

“I know that, and it’s really cool, and we can go to England sometime. Together.”

“I can’t teach you architecture, silly.” I chuckled dryly.

He stepped even closer to me and then his arms were wrapped around my waist. “Just go to lunch, okay? You’re going to be late and you’ve barely even talked to Libby all summer. You know, your best friend, you do remember her, right?” He teased.

I sighed heavily. I did feel really bad about not spending much time with Libby this summer, and I try to spend time with her, even though I do a terrible job at it. But every time I leave Kale, I feel bad because I know that he’ll be gone soon enough and then I’ll never be able to spend time with him and that’ll suck so bad. And when I try to talk to her, she seems busy, like talking to Damon or one of the guys. I noticed that she got a lot closer to the guys during this vacation, which is weird. Cool, and I’m not complaining at all, but it’s just a bit weird.

“Okay, I’ll go.” I appeased him. “But we’re not done talking about this, mister.”

He laughed softly and kissed my cheek. “Of course it’s not.”

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