15.) Forming Secrets

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The next day was a generally better day. For everyone in the house… except for me. Everyone was rid of their nightmarish hangovers of yesterday, but I was still achingly confused.

You might ask something like this: Oh, what are you confused about, Libby?

Well, that is a very good question. I’m not confused about what happened, because I can still feel it down there and I know exactly what happened. I’m confused about my brain, it’s being a real bitch right now. My brain doesn’t know what it wants. Does it want to be single? Does it want Brendon? Jackson? Or maybe that hot Australian, Damon. I DON’T KNOW what it wants.

“That was like, the best birthday party ever.” Holly gushed that morning as we were all sitting around the table eating a breakfast of pancakes, bacon, and eggs thank you to Harris’s glorious cooking abilities.

“You don’t even remember most of it.” Elle said, rolling her eyes.

“Yeah, but I know that it was amazing.” Holly grinned, stuffing her face with pancakes.

I nibbled on my bacon in my chair, I made sure that I was as far as I could possibly be from where Jackson was sitting on the other side of the table. Brendon too, he was on the other side as well. I hadn’t spoken at all in the morning in fear of spilling my guts in front of everyone, I was a terrible liar. Of course, I planned on telling Holly that I’d hooked up with her brother, no matter how incredibly awkward that conversation will be, I have to do it. We’re best friends, we tell each other everything. I just didn’t want to break the news to her at the breakfast table in front of ten of my closest friends.

“We should definitely do this again.” Holly added.

“Did you not go through that whole process yesterday?” Jarrod asked my blonde friend incredulously.

She perkily rolled her eyes. “Well, yeah, but it was just a minor setback. Totally worth it.”

“You’re impossible.” Ryder laughed, standing up from the table as he joined the Clean Platers Club. “I’ll be in the game room.”

“I’ll come.” Isaac chirped, also standing from the table after giving Elle a short goodbye kiss.

“I’ll be in in a little bit.” Jackson called as the two boys sauntered down the hallway towards the game room.

“Boys are so stupid.” Andy huffed. “We’re in Australia, on the beach, and all you guys do is play video games.”

“That is not all we do.” Jackson argued, rolling his eyes.

“Yeah, we do other stuff. Like, I’ve been to the pool.” Brendon defended.

“And the beach, I’ve been to the beach.” Kale added.

“See? It’s not all we do.” Tommy piped.

“You’re impossible.” Andy rolled her eyes.

When I finished my breakfast, I didn’t say anything or announce that I was leaving like Ryder and Isaac did, I just stood up and carried my plate to the sink. I was going to rinse it off but Harris insisted on doing that for me, and he was quite the stubborn one, so I thanked him and then quietly left the dining room. I walked down the hallway and into my room before laying down on my bed to try to listen to my brain so that it could tell me what to do.

I laid my head in my pillows and gazed up at the ceiling.

Mr. Brain, I thought to myself. I’ve known you for my whole life, and I’d like to think that we’re good friends. Great friends, really. And as a great friend, I expect you to act like one and help me out when I need it. So please, Mr. Brain, please tell me what to do and who to like because you’re sending me mixed signals and that’s not okay. We’ve been through so much together and I’d really appreciate it if you’d turn on again and start working properly. Thank you.

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