Honoring Fred Weasley

Start from the beginning

Her stomach had slightly started to become a bump now. Harry also seemed more anxious than usual.

As the night continued, they soon cane to where they had to honor Fred and speak positive about him.

Mr and Mrs. Weasley went up to the mic first.

With one hand she was clutching a handkerchief and with the other she was holding the microphone.

"Fred Weasley. My dearest child that I love. I didn't think you had to go so soon and we were all depressed by seeing you go."

She took a short pause to wipe the tears that were strolling down her face.

"I miss you everyday. I always hoped that it was a dream and that I would awake from it anytime. But unfortunately, I never did."

"Fred, I am here to say that I would always love you and I was glad to have a child like you even though you were very troublesome with George."

She said eyeing George and the crowd chuckled and George smiled as he stood alongside Angelina Johnson.

Mr. Weasley gently grabbed the mic from his now crying wife an put it to his mouth.

"While you did cause some trouble with George, there was that bright, cheerful, and funny side of you that everyone loved."

He sighed.

"Shame you had to go. You still had a whole life ahead of you. But I was proud to have a son like you."

He borrowed the handkerchief from his wife and wipes his tears as the crowd applauded.

Ginny came up with Ron and Mrs. Weasley handed her the microphone.

"Fred was my older brother as you should all know and like every brother, he was protective of me."

She took a moment before starting again.

"While you were a protective brother, you were also the best brother any sister could have."

She spoke. Bill, Charlie, Percy, George and Ron all threw glares at her.

"All right. You were the best brother apart from Bill, Charlie, Percy, George and Ron."

She added smiling at them.

"But we all knew the reason why you didn't want to get in my bad side is because of my amazing Bat Bogey Hex."

The crowd laughed. After she stopped laughing she continued.

"All joking apart, you were a great brother and I terribly miss you and love you."

She wiped her tears away with her hand.

"It's a shame you had to go without seeing my unborn child."

The crowd seemed stunned at first but then they cheered.

Ginny handed the microphone to Ron.

"Fred was also my very annoying brother alongside George."

He spoke remembering all the times they've insulted him.

"Though I gotta say, you were also one hell of a brother. A genius I should say because come on, you're pranks were hilarious and magnificent."

He said cheerfully.

"But yes. I do miss you and I do hope you're doing okay up there."

"Or down there." George yelled as the crowd broke in to laughter.

Afterwards, The crowd clapped and up came Bill, Charlie and Percy.

"You were a nuisance too me. And no I didn't appreciate all the jokes you made about my job."

Percy started as Ron, Harry, Ginny and Hermione laughed as they remembered George and Fred joking about Percy's job.

"I miss you and I will never forget you though."

He finished before passing it to Charlie.

"Fred. We didn't really hang out alot but I do feel sad that you've gone. And I swore that u would get you a pet dragon. I told you many times that it was illegal but hey, nothing could stop you."

Everyone laughed again and Charlie continued.

"I knew if we hung out more, you would've been a great younger brother mate. But I will never forget you."

After the crowd applauded, he handed the mic to Bill.

"Well like Charlie, I didn't really know you much but I'm sure you were a great younger brother too."

"But no doubt I'll miss and love you."

The crowd applauded loudly for all three of them.

Last but not least, George came up.

"Fred was my closest brother. He wasn't just my brother, he was my other half. Now I just feel incomplete."

"I know he would be happy if I continued our joke shop and I will, just for Fred. It's been out dream since we were kids."

"Words can't express what I feel for you mate. I will obviously never forget you and I truly would kill to have you back."

He wiped off a tear that slightly strolled down his cheek as the crowd applauded.

Mr. Weasley and his wife once again came back up and George handed them the mic.

Both of them raised their goblets and so did everyone else.

"For Fred!" They said in unison.

"For Fred!" The crowd repeated as they all raised their goblets.

They bumped goblets with whoever was near them and chug down the wine.

Mrs. Weasley appeared next to Hermione.

"Hermione, would you mind doing us a favor?"

"No. Not at all." Hermione replied smiling.

"Would you mind playing a song on the piano? I heard you're very good at it."

She asked her. Hemione's cheek went scarlet. She hesitated for a moment and finally agreed.

Mrs. Weasley grinned and showed her a maroon, large piano. She sat down while Mrs. Weasley went to go get the mic.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Hermione Granger will do us a kind favor to play a song on the piano."

Everyone turned to watch her. Hermione blushed since she had never had so much attention.

She quickly recalled the song she wanted to play and started playing.

(The song on the link is the one she's playing.)

Her skinny, long fingers moved gracefully across the piano. They almost seemed to be dancing.

Everyone watched in amazement as she played the piano.

Soon the song was over. She heard clapping all around her. She stood and bowed as everyone else cheered and admired her

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