Voldemort's Plan

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  • Dedicated to romancediaries

~Characters Belong To J.K Rowling~ 

~I Dedicate This Chapter To romancediaries, Who Made The Amazing Book Cover For 'Perfect Enemies' :)

Hermione got flashbacks of when she last saw Voldemort. He looked the same since when Harry last fought him.

Pain struck her head and she placed her hand on her forehead. " 'Mione, are you okay?" Harry asked.

"Yeah I just got a headache." "Oh right because of the Dark Magic." He murmured to himself.

Hermione got flashbacks again. Same face. Same robe. Same hands. Wait......the wand!? It wasn't his wand.

"Harry, he wasn't using his wand!" She enthustiastictly said.

"His last hocrux must be his own wand!" Harry said smiling at her.

"We got it!" She yelled standing up.

She hugged Harry. "Brilliant Hermione." He said grinning.

"Well I have to go before Ginny starts to worry." Harry told her as he walked to her door. "I know you're about to be a father."

Hermione said. He turned around to face her. "A proud father."

He corrected her as they both grinned at each other.

She led him to the portrait and he left. She turned to face Charles.

"Not to be rude, but can you make whatever you're here for quick? I have to patrol this night." She told him politely

"Yeah it's okay. I need to hurry because I'm a patrol too but what I was going to say is that you should watch Draco more closely."

He whispered. She raised an eyebrow. She was about to ask why but Charles had already left.

She stood still for a moment. What could that possibly mean? I mean he's not cheating again is he?

She pushed the though out of her mind and walked to her assigned hallway.

Draco was walking back to his place when a strong breeze of wind passed him.

A white light shined in front of him and he covered his eyes with his arms.

When he opened his eyes again he wasn't at Hogwarts anymore. Instead he was in Voldemort's room.

Voldemort turned to face Draco in his large, jet black chair. "G-Good E-Evening L-Lord Voldemort."

He stuttered, bowing nervously. If Voldemort summoned him from 

School not during a school break, it must be important.

"You're not going back. I need you for the plan to destroy Potter and his friends once and for all."

He told Draco. He gulped loudly. "T-The teachers will get suspicious if I don't go."

"Yes I know. That's why I assigned my fellow Deatheater, Mitchell to drink the Polyjuice potion continously and to replace you while you're here. Don't worry,Mitchell (of course) hates Potter, the Weasleys , Granger and more of those disgusting people." He said smiling.

Mitchell was a young Deatheater. He was handsome to many girls and around Draco's age. He had black long hair that slightly reached his scarlet eyes.

Draco was sure that Hermione would find him attractive if the Polyjuice Potion wore out in front of her.

Draco forced a smile. If his replacement hates Hermione, then Hermione will hate him thinking she's with the real Draco.

He mentally slapped himself. Why did he have to be such a coward? He could've left the Deatheaters.

He was afraid of death of course. But now he has met a girl he really loves.

He got her into that mess, and he'll get her out.

Draco just hoped that she'll use the brain of hers to figure out that that's not the real him.

Hermione paced the hallways looking out for something out of the ordinary.

However, what Charles had said to her earlier always found a way to her thoughts no matter how hard she tried pushing it away.

What the bloody hell did he mean by that? To watch Draco more closely? Why?

He's not cheating....is he? Se scolded herself for actually thinking that. She knew he loved her.

Unless, it was true......'No Hermione, get a grip, he's not cheating on you.' She said to herself. She decided to talk with Draco when they have time.

A few minutes later she spotted Draco walking down the hall. Though he had a stern face on.

Hermione walked toasted him. "Draco, can we talk?" She heard him gulp but then he said "Who are you to talk to me, you Mudblood." obviously disgusted.

She raised a eyebrow at him. "What's wrong with you?" She asked glaring at him. "Nothing is wrong with me." He snapped at her.

He pushed past through her and she stood there shocked. What's wrong with him? Does he not love her anymore?

She held her tears back. Charles was right. There was something wrong with him.

Later that night, Hermione walked back to her room. Snape seemed tired. She walked in to find the fireplace empty.

'Draco must be in his room.' She thought. She went to her room to change to her lavender pajamas that consisted of a small short and a short shirt that barely covered her bellybutton.

She knocked on Draco's door. He opened it with a disgusted face. "What do you want?" He asked. "To talk." She said trying her best to ignore his face at her.

"Hmmm....no." He said not giving it a thought. "Draco what's wrong with you?! Do you not love me anymore?!" She snapped at him holding back her tears.

"What the bloody hell are you talking about? I never did and never will!" He said harshly before slamming the door on her.

Tears streamed down her cheek and she went to her room where she sobbed all night long.

In the morning, she awoke tired, her body aching and dried tears. She decided it was time to shower. She quickly showered and the warm water relaxed her muscles.

She dresses up in her robes. When she stepped out of her room, she remembered last night and struggled to hold tears back.

She stormed out of there with Snape staring at her with a puzzled look.

She was going to go talk to Charles.

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