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Tamaki held out a top hat. "Princesses first," he smiled.

Grumbling, you reached into the hat and pulled out a... pale peach cloth. Toying with the soft cloth, you let it flip between your hands, loving the feel of the silk cloth on your (small/large/midsize) hands. So immersed with the cloth, you didn't notice Tamaki waiting for you to give him the pale cloth with an outstretched hand.

An awkward clearing of the throat is what brought you out of your dream-like state. Blushing, you shyly had the cloth over to Tamaki as you locked eyes with the floor, letting your (H/C) hair fall into your face.

Placing gentle fingers under your chin, Tamaki lifted your head and sent you a dazzling smile, which caused you to blush even harder, before putting on the peach cloth, obscuring your view.

"Come on." A gruff voice said. A hand grasped yours and roughly pulled you. Stumbling, you fought to keep up with his quick pace.

"Hey, slow down." You muttered once you stumbled once again. The person pulling you seemed to speed up and, before you knew it, he let go of your hand, sending you tumbling forward. Desperately, you tried to regain your footing as you heard a door open in front in you; only to have it slam shut.

Right in your face.

Hitting the door with a smack, you rebounded off of it and landed flat on you back.

Muttering curses, you ripped the blindfold off, something you should have done before you went head first into the closet, and stood up. With your head held high, you ignored the giggles behind you and stormed over to the closet. Ripping open the elegantly decorated door, you stepped inside, letting the wood door swing shut behind you; swallowing you in darkness.

Once your (E/C) eyes adjusted to the darkness, you glanced around the large closet only to have your eyes fall on a slumped figure in the corner.

Forgetting the anger and the bump on your head the moment you saw him, your crush, you walked over to the lanky man and sat beside him, noticing black headphones resting on his rust colored hair.

"Hey Hikaru!" You chirped, flashing your biggest, brightest smile at the figure rocking out to his music. When he didn't answer. you sighed but decided to press and lean forward to try and see his phone which he was staring at.

When he moved his phone away from you, you continued to leaned forward, pressing yourself to him to try and see what's so important

"Come on Hikaru, tell me what you're listening to." You whined when he successfully hid his phone from you.

"It's none of your business." He snapped, sliding farther away from you.

"That the hell's your problem?" You argued, throwing your arms up in frustration.

"Your my problem!" He hissed, ripping his headphones off his ears.

"Well then," you snapped, your body shaking with anger. "Tell me what the hell I've done wrong! Pleeeeease, enlighten me!" Sarcasm dripped from your words has you rolled you eyes and crossed your arms over your (flat/average/large) chest.

He didn't answer, only crossed his arms with a frustratingly cute pout and turned his face away from you, glaring at the wall beside him.

As you calmed, you felt your anger slowly die off. "Talk to me Hikaru." Begging, you closed the gap and grabbed his arm. When he didn't shake you off, you took that as a good sign and continued. "If I've done something wrong, please, tell me."

Angry amber eyes clashed with your own as Hikaru shook you off. "Why not ask Tamaki huh? Why not run to your little prince!?"

You reeled back in surprise at his outburst but soon the fire was relit and you felt your body heat up with anger once again. "What does this have to do with Tamaki-senpai?!" You yelled.

"Everything!" He yelled back.

Standing up, you clenched your (small/large/mid sized) hands in anger. Hikaru scrambled up, glaring at you with same venom in his eyes that you feel.

"This has nothing to do with Tamaki-senpai and everything to do with you! Why the hell are you being such a jerk?!" You spat, (raising/leaning/bending) ~A/N depending if you're a taller or shorter person. If you're shorter then Hikaru, you'd chose the "raising" option as you would be raising on your toes to be face to face with him. The "leaning" option is for people around his height (5'9''). The "bending" option is for those taller. Anyway, happy reading! >.<~ so that you were face to face with your favorite twin.

Hikaru leaned back a bit in surprise at your advances and faltered when he opened his mouth to speak. "I-I'm not... "

"Yes you are!" You yelled, and stepped forward, causing Hikaru to step back. "You're being a giant jerk! Why? Why are you being so rude?!" With every word you took a step forward and caused Hikaru to falter and take a step back until he hit the side of the closet. "Is it because of when I caused you and Kaoru to hit heads?! Is that it? If that is, I'm sorry! But that doesn't give you the right to act like a complete jerk! Especially when you made me run headlong into the door!" With your rant done you were left heaving.

Hikaru stood there and looked at you with wide amber eyes. "Are you done?" He asked.

Defeated, you slumped, letting your head hang. It felt like all of your energy just left you in a rush. "Yeah," you muttered. "I'm done."

Sitting on the ground, you pulled your knees to your chest and placed your heavy head on them; planning on waiting out the rest of the time like this.

Silence cloaked the closet and, as you sat there, you heard a soft sigh from above you before you felt Hikaru sit beside you.

"I'm nervous okay?" He muttered causing you to turn and look at him. He was sitting in the same position as you, only, his head was turned away.

"Nervous about what?" You whispered. When he didn't answer, you sighed and reached forward, placing a tender hand on his back; causing him to turn and look at you with venerable eyes. "You can talk to me Hikaru, I'll always be here for you." Sending him a smile, he returned a sad one before softly continuing.

"I'm trapped in a closet with the girl I've liked for a really long time and I want to kiss her but I'm afraid I'll screw everything up because I think she likes Tamaki-senpai and-" Not wanting to hear anymore, you place your hands on his face and pull him forward. Tentatively placing your lips on his you give him a short-but-sweet kiss before pulling back.

"I-I..." You stuttered. Closing your eyes, you pulled all of your courage together and, when you were ready, you slowly opened your (E/C) eyes, allowing them to clash with his wide, doe ones.

"I really like you... I have for a long time now. I don't know where you got all of this 'Tamaki' stuff from but we're just friends and will only ever be friends. I like you Hikaru. You and only you." A smile that rivaled Jeff The Killer's stretched it's way along his face. Leaning forward, you pushed your lips against his forehead before pulling back and looking straight into his happy eyes. "You never did tell me what you were listening to." You laughed.

Hikaru laughed and, as he was pulling you into another quick kiss, Kaoru's voice sounded from the outside of the closet. "Hikaru! (Y/N)! Time's up!"

Hikaru stood up and offered you his hand, which you gladly accepted, and opened the doors, revealing a new world for the two of you to face as a couple.


So I have another one for you! Remember to comment on who you want next!!

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