When I walked in his bathroom I instantly frowned.

His bathroom was black, and red his ceiling was clear glass. His floor was black marble. His sinks we're red and black. His mirrors above the sink were black.

How in the hell am I supposed to look at myself get ready if the mirror is painted black?

Sighing loudly at Chris terrible bathroom senses I turned on the shower and stripped out my bra and panties. Once I knew the shower was hot I grabbed a rag from off the rack and got in the shower.

"Mmm," I lightly moaned closing my eyes and standing under the water.

The only good thing with this bathroom was the hot water and the steam, sad to say. I feel like I'm in a black box, if I was living here there would have been color up in here, but this is not my house, so therefore I won't tell him what to do or how to live or decorate this very ugly, hideous, and despicable bathroom.

I washed my body then opened the glass door walking out. Grabbing a towel, I dried off and slipped on my clothes. I walked to the sinks and looked at nothing but black paint.

"Hideous. " I mumbled grabbing my tooth brush and brushing my teeth. Within minutes I grabbed my things and walked out. I put my clothes back in my bag and looked around the room.

"Typical Chris." I mumbled looking at the graffiti on his walls.

"Typical Chris what? " I heard a small voice say.

I looked around the room and nobody.

I'm just hearing things.

"I said what's so typical Chris?" The voice came again.

Arching my brow, I looked in front of me and mushed by eyebrows together. There was a little girl in a white dress standing right there.

"Hello, I'm Krystal, I like candy, I love my family, and uhmm I love to color," The little girl said.

"Uhmm uuhh-"

"I know your lost for words, but I know who you are, you're Zariana, you're 23, you work with people and how they feel, you do a lot of fun stuff." She giggled then placed her tiny hands on my knees.

"I think we'll be great friends, ooh! And I think you should know your dating m-"

"Ma! Come downstairs," I heard Chris yell from the bottom step.

Our heads turned to the door and we looked at each other. She smiled at me and ran off.

"Later!" She called out opening the door and closing it.

"Wait!" I called out getting up as quick as possible and opening the door. I looked down the hall and saw her opening a door. Her head turned to me and that same smile was there.

"I promise I'll be back sissy! " she giggled before opening the door and walking in, letting the door slam shut.

"Zari!?" I heard him call out. "That's you!?" He asked, I heard him walk up one step and stopped.

"Uhmm, I'm coming Chris hold up!" I yelled back at him, walking towards the door, I saw Krystal go through. Hesitantly I placed my hand on the door and turn the nob. I swing opened the door ready to be in shock, but when I opened the door. The only thing I saw was coats, and hats.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled out in frustration.

First the family outside and now some little ass girl smiling and giggling in my face? What the hell is really going on?

I took a deep breath and took a step back closing the door and turning around.

"Oh shit!" I screamed as I clenched my chest and hit Chris on his shoulder. "Don't do that Chris! What the hell is wrong with you!?"

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