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In this world there are two kinds of people, normal humans and the Wanderers. Wanderers are people with powers. We live like any normal person except for with added bonus features and extremely long lives. When we turn three-hundred years old we simply turn to dust, to fertilize the land we once walked upon, but before that our bodies stop showing signs of aging around thirty. Wanderers are born that way. We are forced to wander this earth until our deaths, constantly moving so no one finds out what we truly are.

Most people would guess that no one knows about us, but that’s not true. Beings with super powers can only stay hidden for so long. There is always one person who tries to cause mayhem, so the government had to step in. They tried not to restrict us too much, because they know we could rebel any time. They only gave us two rules. Don’t use your powers in public and don’t tell humans. 

When a person is told about Wanderers they’re usually gone by the next day. That Wanderer usually isn’t around for much longer either. The only exception to that rule is marriage. If a Wanderer and a mortal are going to get married they have a choice if they want to tell the human or not. If the human breaks off the marriage they get “exterminated” by the government, but the Wanderer gets to live. 

There was a special sector created specifically to monitor and associate with Wanderers. It was called W300, a redundant and unnecessary play off our life expectancies. The government soon realized that almost all Wanderers just want to go about their existence in peace. But W300 have always kept their guard up. They know that the Wanderers are too powerful and that if we wanted to we could take over the world easily. But all of their fears were actualized when I was born.

I wasn’t like all the others, extremely pale skin and jet black hair, but it was my eyes that were the most miraculous thing about my appearance. They change color everyday. Not just the standard eye colors but any color imaginable.

A Wanderer usually has one or two powers. We inherit our abilities from our parents or relatives. If one parent is a Wanderer and the other is a mortal, their children will most likely be Wanderers and will share the power of their Wanderer parent. Most get they’re powers around the age of ten, which gives us time to learn about our upcoming responsibilities and also practice our powers before we are allowed into the Academy at age sixteen. I received mine when I was only five. Having a small child with unnatural abilities running around was not good for W300. Who knew if I would get out of control? W300 wanted me exterminated. My mother, Emeline Flynt, fought to extend my time. By age of six they decided I showed no signs of intentionally causing harm, so they decided to let me live, but forbade Emeline to have any more children. It was too late though, she was already four months pregnant with Callie-Anne. Callie was nothing like me when she was born. She had blonde hair and light blue eyes, just like our mother. That made W300 relax a little but they still kept a very close eye on our family. 

At first they tried to figure out what made me so different. My mother claimed she didn’t know who my father was and that Callie-Anne was only my half sister. Her father ,also unknown, just a couple of one night stands. No one on my mother’s side of the family had never witnessed something like me before, my case was rare. I was the only one. At age ten they took me away to do tests but could find nothing different in my blood or DNA that could have caused this. When I was twelve they decided I was old enough to take care of my sister. They knew they had to get rid of Emeline. So there were no more like me. 

One day when my mother was driving home from the grocery store, she was in a “car accident.” She was hit head on by a retired W300 agent. They were both killed on impact. Any Wanderer could tell it wasn’t an accident, the government had been planning this extermination for awhile.

What scared the W300 most about me wasn’t my eyes or how early I got my powers, but what my powers were and how many I had. I have six abilities all together and they are all opposites. From my right hand I can project fire, like my mother and sister. From the left water and ice, I can read people’s thoughts and put my own into their heads. I could move things with my mind and create force fields that no power but my own can penetrate. I am the ultimate power. I cannot be defeated. 

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